drug trafficking in Lausanne streets and in the downtown area of concentrated drug scene, grind down the width of the circles. The police are frustrated because they are supposed to do with exclusively repressive means, the drug dealers away. Police officers to lead traders to the Prosecutor, this is often just a fine. One reason is: In Canton, there are too few prison places. Half of the available places for drug dealers to occupy.
the population is frustrated and feels unsafe because of drug dealers occupy streets and squares and even schools to avoid. Drug dealers offer passers-by often drug addicts ask almost around the clock for money. Although there are since last summer, a city-operated fixed-stübli. The addicts left the centre yet. A private, by the Canton-funded Foundation provided in the centre with a fresh syringe.
Even the addicts are displeased with the Situation. Harass cops with your dealer, is it harder to get narcotic.
filmmaker creates uproar
The number of street dealers is growing, meanwhile, for years constantly. In 1998, the city registered 20 to 30 drug seller, 2015, there were 80, but in 2017 already 200 Dealer. In order to support the police in their commitment, launched the FDP in Lausanne about a year ago a Motion, and began to collect signatures. Within three months had signed the concern of 7000 people.
documentary filmmaker Fernand Melgar made in the summer of 2018 finally, for a scandal. He criticized in a newspaper article, first, the “inaction of authorities” and denounced afterwards on his Facebook page to the public Dealer, without having to make their faces unrecognizable. Melgar provoked a fierce public debate.
in March 2018, responsible for the safety Councilman Pierre-Antoine Hildbrand (FDP) had detected the problems. He commissioned the criminological Institute of the University of Lausanne, the drug policy of the city with those in Zurich and Bern to compare. The study is available. According to the paper, the Lausanne-based drug policy has a decades-long backlog.
This also has historical reasons. Zurich and Bern were the problems after the Trauma and the resolution of their open drug scenes in a comprehensive way. You allow today, even so-called micro deals in well-defined zones. These are limited to primary contact and focal points, where drug addicts stay.
“the police alone may not resolve the Problem”
Lausanne does not know this. The city today has a fixer stübli. But it has only been problems in order to bring the addicts into the Stübli. Micro deals is not tolerated by the city government yet. Also about the drug trade is distributed all over the city. Hildbrand said: “We have stepped up the police presence in front of months. There are a few dealers are today in the streets. The problems of consumption does not solve the but.”
During Lausanne the drug problem is tackled today, with repressive means, work in Zurich and Bern police officers with social workers, Hand-in-Hand. Social workers focus their work on the behavior of the drug users and take care of living spaces for you. “Road workers” intervene sometimes, if citizens complain about the inappropriate behavior of drug addicts.
Hildbrand says the study confirms its impression that the Lausanne rethink its drugs policy, find compromises, and cooperation between health and social authorities would have to force it. “The police alone, the drugs don’t solve problems,” Hildbrand.
(editing Tamedia)
Created: 27.02.2019, 18:23 PM