
Limburg Business Owners: “Break the Taboos!”

The business and entrepreneur organizations in Limburg congratulate all the elected officials, thank them for their commitment, and wish them success. It’s time to get to work… “No matter how the cards may have been dealt by the voters, we urge politicians to break taboos, work together, and quickly form decisive governments,” says Ruben Lemmens of VKW Limburg.

The business and entrepreneur organizations in Limburg are committed to a region that is prepared for the challenges of tomorrow. “We shaped this commitment in a vision for the future with ten powerful boosters and 100 concrete action points,” says Ruben Lemmens, managing director of VKW Limburg. “Leading up to the elections, we engaged in constructive discussions with the Limburg party leaders of all political parties on how we can lead our region towards a better future. This is something we look forward to repeating with all the elected officials in Limburg in the coming weeks.”

“Now that the emotions of the election fever have subsided, it’s time to focus on substance,” adds Ruben Lemmens. “We call for the quick formation of workable and decisive governments that make bold choices. They should focus on a limited number of key points and address them without taboos, but always in dialogue with all stakeholders. Give entrepreneurs full confidence and space to throw themselves into the fight for their role in this story: creating jobs and prosperity.”

He reiterates the call from the three major Limburg business organizations: “Under the slogan ‘One Voice for Limburg,’ we laid out our joint business priorities and called on the elected officials to speak with one voice on important Limburg issues across party lines. This needs to happen now. We urge future governments to fully commit to prosperity and fundamental reforms. It’s time for action!”

Voka Limburg shares the same opinion: “We urge the winners of the elections to start negotiations quickly with the aim of forming a Flemish and federal reform government,” says Johann Leten. “The election results allow for workable coalitions that can govern and reform stably for 5 years. Companies in Limburg rely on an ambitious policy that strengthens and supports entrepreneurship and growth. According to Voka Limburg, governments should be installed before the local elections on October 13.”

He continues, “The budget situation calls for swift action. Work should be more rewarding, and the competitive position of Limburg companies should be strengthened. All elements are on the table to implement necessary and profound reforms over the next 5 years in terms of competitiveness, labor market, and state structures. Let’s reform now for tomorrow.”

Voka Limburg believes that an ambitious industrial policy should enable companies to sustainably anchor themselves in our country and the region and attract investments. “Reforms must also be implemented at the European level. Competitiveness and ensuring a level playing field should guide a new European Commission.”

Leten concludes, “Voka Limburg will be a partner of reform governments. The bar is set high, and it is necessary to secure prosperity. We ask not to waste time. Belgium must submit a credible reform-oriented budget to Europe in the autumn. New governments must be installed by October 13.”