A only 14-months-old lioness has removed its claws in a palestinian zoo.
The radical decision was taken, because the owner would like the visitors to safely be able to ‘play’ with the lion. It writes multiple media, including Fox News and dyreorganisationen Four Paws.
the Lion Falestine should now be available for play. Photo: Ritzau/Scanpix
the Employees tore the clutches out on the pup, but let it keep its teeth. It was done to make it easier for that the zoo’s young guests to get an interactive experience with the animal.
– I’m trying to reduce the løvindens anger, so that it is friendly to the guests, said Mohammed Jumaa, who owns the park.
Images showing how a veterinarian kept the lion’s head while it got removed its claws.
Here are the claws ripped out at the lion. Photo: Ritzau/Scanpix
It was done without sterile facilities. Photo: Ritzau/Scanpix
the Lion was sedated and placed on a table, where the doctor sewed the wounds of the feet together. Subsequent came the doctor back and trimmed the claws even further down.
In the Gaza strip is no dyrehospitaler, therefore, the operation was carried out in the park, which, according to the media and animal welfare organizations do not have the right equipment or facilities to such an operation.
Several animal welfare groups believe that the lion was in great pain, when she got rid of her claws.
– the Claws were clipped so they would not grow so quickly, and so that visitors and children could play with her, told the vet Fayez al-Haddad.
the Lioness was stunned, while she got rid of her claws. Photo: Ritzau/Scanpix
He denied that the procedure had to be bad or unpleasant, though it has been compared to amputating a human’s fingers up to the knuckles.
– We would like to give the kids something to smile and bring them joy and at the same time increase our visitor numbers, said the doctor.
Dyrevelfærdsorganisationen Four Paws has been out to say that it’s just the latest attempt by the zoo to get more visitors.
– For big cats it is a bad procedure to remove the claws, and it can lead to long term damage. Natural behavior like to take food or climbing is almost impossible, if the lion doesn’t have its claws. Since the operation, nor was a place with the right equipment and sterility, the chance of infection is also high.
the Lion are still known as a young. Photo: Ritzau/Scanpix