It is a story that would never be able to be written as fiction, it would not be considered credible: It was the summer of 2014, and in Iraq drew the islamist terrorist organisations IS presented and slaughtered men and children. The women were sold on the slavauktion. This was major world news, for although the cruelty is not something new in the history of mankind as was the subtle evil IS practised very far.

He and his family sat trapped in an old blekmedelsfabrik near the mountains, surrounded by ICE.

And, in Sweden, a supervisor at the chemical institution at Lund university, suddenly a text message. ”Dear Lotta! Celebrated here. Now I’m stuck in dohuk province with my family. ICE has control of my city, and all other places belonging to the yazidierna. Therefore, I ask you to finish my phd.”

the supervisor is named, was appalled and replied that she did not want to do. She heard how Celebrated had it? Well, he and his family sat trapped in an old blekmedelsfabrik near the mountains, surrounded by ICE. So began an unlikely plan to take shape. As universitetsmagasinet now describes the case: ”In a unique bailout sent the Lund university, an armed security force into the ICE war zone to rescue a student and his family.”

It was successful. When the people involved are talking about it here several years later, ” says Charlotta Turner that research is about the whole person. Therefore, it was obvious to her student and his family would be home. But of course, it was not. This was done in order that she and the university went beyond the protocol.

the information age, but it is often through misinformation, hatred of the different, violence in the name of ideology and religion. It is comforting to remember that there also are people who Charlotta Turner, who keeps the torch burning in the blackest darkness, and refuses to let go. Even when it formally breaks against the practice.