“Löfvens government rebuffed: ”No minister younger than 38””

“Stefan Löfven gets rebuffed for his new government – by its own youth league.”

“the Last time was two ministers over 30 years, today is no younger than 38.”

“The new government of Stefan Löfven (S) unveiled on Monday has a weight in terms of experience and age. “

“the Oldest is the new EUROPE minister Hans Dahlgren (S) with its 70 years and the youngest is Amanda Lind (MP), culture and demokratiminister who is 38 years old. “

“Even the minister of gender equality, Åsa Lindhagen (MP), who also has responsibility for the work against discrimination and segregation, is 38 years old, albeit a few months older than Lind.”

“the 40-year – younger S-minister”

“the Youngest of the S-ministers are civilminister Ardalan Shekarabi with 40 years on the back of the neck.”

“It gets the thumbs down of the Socialist youth league.”

“– It is really, really lousy to the youngest minister is 38 years old and miljöpartist. It is a deterioration. Löfvens the first government had two S-ministers under the age of 35, ” says Philip Botström.”

“the Last time Stefan Löfven formed a government, in 2014, appointed had both then 27-year-old Aida Hadzialic, and a 29-year-old Gabriel Wikström to the ministers. Both, however, has since left the government, Hadzialic, after having driven a car under the influence of alcohol and Wikström, as a result of burnout.”

“That Leaves do differently today, says Boström can punish themselves, because the social democrats have a hard time in the day to attract young voters.”

“– the social democrats to be a party and lead a government that reflects the entire population, have diversity and want to highlight the new people with the ability to grow, then you were able to elect at least a minister for 35 years.”

“there is No minister for integration”

“But it is also critical of Löfven has neglected to appoint a minister for integration, despite the fact that these issues should be a priority for the new government.”

“– in this situation, not to have a minister who has overall responsibility and authority we think is strange, and sends a strange signal, ” says Boström.”

“the Responsibility for integration issues in the new government is divided on the several various cabinet ministers, including the minister of labour and the ministry of education.n”

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