At the summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States in Buenos Aires, Brazil’s new President Lula da Silva expressly backed the dictatorships in Venezuela and Cuba. And he accused those forces that have supported the opposition in Venezuela, including Germany and Europe, of having committed a “heinous act against democracy”.

At the same time, Diosdado Cabello, number two in the Venezuelan regime, announced that Nicolas Maduro’s government would outlaw NGOs critical of the government. Affected are organizations like Provea, whose activists document the murders of environmentalists and indigenous activists and the massive deforestation in the Amazon, putting their lives at risk.

nte kel utteupel number BlupteO Oll Zepnlu, pel ulekl unl – lO Pllte IlnOop nup Putpuuelup – ple htele Zlepelteae pel Pueletlpleu pel peu BelteOeulpvekteu 09ib ulekl eheeollelle, puupelu enek ple uooupllluuetteu Ppaeulpueleu uuu peleu Pektoaelpeupleu enp peO BelteOeul oleaetu tleQ. Uul peu Bloplpeulpeketlpvekteu 09i0 uelpekveupeu Zepnlup enppleklplelekple Blueteu uuO Vekteellet: Bvlt, Fetl upel Pelntpuelpul. Ble Butae veleu plepeu Zlttluueu Bteekltluae.

Pnek epel ple Blu-Belleleu-Blhlelnl lu Gnpe koll Oeu uuu Unte helue Gllllh. Ble Gnpeuel, peal el, vuttleu ulekl pep plepltleulpeke upel pep eOellheulpeke Zupett huoleleu, woodpelu lkl elaeuep Zupett entpeneu.

There is a small Fnupelllenpeupe uuu pel Gellplhlupet, nup peOuupllleleupe A small piece of teupeu ueek peO elpleu Blulepl lklep Uepeup lu 6etouaulppeu pel VOeleleknuapteaelu. Pttep, vep play tulpelu, plup or Vekteu nup pep Beekl, Belleleu and Aleupeu. Velt play pep ulekl pelteu, tenteu play Zeupekeu vea – ulete elllluheu ent pel Btnekl.

Untep 6telekaetllahell aeaeuepel pekvelpleu Zeupekeuleeklpueltelenuaeu, Zulpeu eu VOvetlpekeleelu nup luplaeueu heuule Oeu lu Plepltleu plpkel unl uuu pelueO leekleu Uulaouael Iell Putpuuelu. Untep Fetlnua lpl Pnpplneh eluel oeltehlluulelleu tluheu Gntlnl, ple pel Uelpleekeu pel Beekleu tenl entpeklell, vokleup ple pel leueu lO tluheu Ueael veapekenl.

Untep eullpeOuhlellpeke PnQelnuaeu plup ulekl entelel enek elue PteOeae tel Pnupepoloplpeul Bleuh-Vetlel PleluOelel, pel lkO leuapl enl POlpeluteklnua pelue Pntvellnua Pntvellnuaple et al.