Is this the turning point? After the attack on demonstrators in front of the Iranian embassy in Berlin, further details became known. As WELT learned from investigators, the police are looking for a new luxury car from Porsche or Audi. There are different statements about the manufacturer.

The attackers are said to have fled from the Iranian embassy in such a car with a conspicuous continuous LED light on the rear. The vehicle should have a license plate from Havelland.

Three previously unknown men had attacked a caravan in front of the Iranian embassy in Berlin from Saturday to Sunday, the occupants of which were holding a vigil. Three men were injured in the attack. The investigations were carried out by the state security department of the Berlin police, which is responsible for political crimes.

The caravan has been in front of the embassy since mid-October. Posters with the inscriptions “Iranians want democracy” and “Women Life Freedom” hang on them. Residents describe themselves as supporters of a “parliamentary monarchy” in Iran. In addition to the German and Ukrainian flags, the flag of the constitutional monarchy with a lion, sun and sword also hangs on the caravan. The activists are demanding the abdication of the mullahs’ regime.

According to current knowledge, an employee of the central object protection is said to have seen in front of the Iranian embassy around 1:15 a.m. how three men ripped banners and flags from the caravan. The property protection is part of the Berlin police.

The attackers are said to have covered their faces with towels. According to the police, the employee called for backup at 1:16 a.m. The attackers are said to have explained to the security guards in German that the caravan had to go.

The men are said to have tried to tear open the door of the caravan, the police said. A verbal argument in Persian and a scuffle developed with the four men who were in the trailer at the time of the attack, which resulted in an attack on the occupants.

According to the police spokesman, three of the four men from the trailer suffered injuries. A 37-year-old is said to have been hit in the back with a wooden stick and is still in the hospital. A 63-year-old was injured in the toe with a sharp object – probably a knife. A 55-year-old suffered a graze.

The fourth man – a 34-year-old – was unharmed after initial investigations, said the police spokesman. The suspects are said to have fled in the wanted car. The 34-year-old reported being threatened with a gun from inside the vehicle. When the police arrived, the attackers had already fled.

However, there are different statements about the course of action. Police say the first two emergency vehicles arrived three minutes after the alarm was raised. Two minutes later, at 1:21 a.m., three more cars arrived, according to police. Officials searched the area without success.

The victims contradict the police. WELT was able to speak to two of the three victims, Alihossein Mohmedikartalaei and Said Aghajan, on Tuesday. A third man, Nik Jafarzadeh, said he was there minutes after the crime. Mohmedikartalaei was stabbed in the foot and Aghajan suffered abrasions.

The three said the three attackers, dressed in dark clothing, tampered with the trailer for minutes. The police arrived about 15 minutes after they were called. The attackers were long gone by then.

Internally, the police say that the security guards reacted quickly. The statement by those affected that the attack lasted 15 minutes is not correct. It is unclear why the armed security guards did not intervene further. However, people entrusted with the case say that the security guard reacted correctly in terms of self-protection.

It is unclear whether the getaway car was waiting for the attackers or one of the attackers was the driver of the car. The victims said that in addition to the three attackers, two other people were waiting in the car, which was parked near the scene with the engine running. The vehicle sped away at high speed. One of the attackers was noticeably tall and muscular and covered his face with a “Palestinian scarf”.

The investigators are confident that they will soon be able to present new findings. Because the combination of eye-catching luxury car, Porsche or Audi A8, in connection with the license plate from Havelland limits the field.