“M-leader: the Law also applies to people as well.”
“the Law applies to everyone, there is no special legislation for London.”
“It says Moderatledaren Ulf Kristersson of the moderate kommunledningens edict to deny support to any ICE-terrorists, if anyone would search there. Lawyers believe that it lacks support in the law.”
“Ulf Kristersson says to TT that he believes the Swedish society’s obligations to the persons who acceded to the ICE, the”
“– I understand the signal you want to send, but I would suggest that the municipality does as most of the other municipalities comply with the legislation. Then you do what you can to change the law, ” he says.”
“this is The first time the party leadership made a comment the move, which received a lot of attention.”
“the other Day decided municipal government in London, with the moderate councillor Christian Sonesson in the tip, that returning IS-terrorists are not welcome to the municipality of staffanstorp, and that they will not receive the support of the municipality in any form.”
“According to lawyers, the proposal lacks a lawful support. No matter what you feel about the different people say the social services that a municipality can not refuse someone to seek the support of the supply cannot be arranged in another way. And the social welfare board must follow the law, it does not change the politicians ‘ decision.”
“Pierre Sjöström (S), commissioner for the opposition in London, has criticised the Sonesson proposal.and the claim that it was merely a matter of taking populist points – not even Sonesson believe any of the IS-terrorist are in or are on the way to the municipality.”
“– It is a very populist proposal for the reason that of the moderate party in the municipality in the past has gone out with proposals that, for example, not have böneutrop or serve halal meat. It is signalpolitik you are looking for, said Sjöström in connection with the decision of the municipal government.”
“Tapio Salonen, professor in social work at Malmö university, has described the proposal as”
“– of Course, to these people tried in court according to all the usual means, but if the event is moving to London and looking for income support, so they have the right to do it, Salonen commented on.”
“Christian Sonesson has”
“the social services act constitutes the basis for the social services in Sweden.”
“the Law describes how the social services must promote people’s economic and social security, equality in living conditions and active participation in social life.”
“who is not able to meet its needs itself, or can have them met in any other way, under the social services act the right to the assistance of the social services committee for their support and for their way of life in general, so-called income support.”