Over 60 percent of the danes believe, according to a measurement, to forsamlingsforbuddet of 50 people also cover events with a political objective, and thus also apply to demonstrations.
Demonstrations are today exempted from the forsamlingsforbuddet.
to be precise, 63,1 percent of those surveyed in the poll, which the institute Voxmeter has made Ritzau, agree or very much agree that the events with a political or meningsbefordrende purposes must be covered by forsamlingsforbuddet.
1073 has the answer in the period 11. June to 15. June.
the Measurement comes in the wake of a much publicised anti-racism demonstration in Copenhagen from 7. June, where more than 15,000 people had gathered.
at Least one person is found infected with the coronavirus after the demonstration, and those who were to be invited to submit to the test.
It is uncertain whether the person was infected before or during the demonstration.
the Right to demonstrate is constitutional and therefore applicable forsamlingsforbuddet not, when it comes to demonstrations.
the Government has just referred to the constitution by the question of whether one could prohibit demonstrations during the coronakrisen.
But in fact one can well let the demonstrations be covered by forsamlingsforbuddet.
It has Joergen Albaek Jensen, a law professor at Aarhus University, previously explained to the news agency Ritzau.
– The three freedoms – section 77, 78 and 79 (the right to free speech, association and assembly, ed.) – based on that they may be regulated by law, said Joergen Albaek Jensen in the beginning of June.
The politicians have not, however, chosen to make, and on Thursday there is once again heralded the demonstration – again in Copenhagen.
From the Danish people’s Party says sundhedsordfører Liselott Blixt, to health minister Magnus Heunicke (S) and authorities as the board of Health should draw up guidelines by then.
– You should have done it already before the big demonstration, and otherwise should have done it the day after, she says.
Liselott Blixt however, does not believe one should deprive people of the right to demonstrate, although we are in a health crisis.
– If you do not have the right to say those in power are against, we are in a quagmire as a society. You must have the right to demonstrate, but to do it under the proper conditions, she says.