“Man robbed and stabbed by masked men,”
“A man robbed and stabbed by multiple perpetrators in Malmö, sweden during Friday evening.”
“He was taken to the hospital by ambulance.”
“A young man has been arrested, according to information provided to Aftonbladet.”
“the Police was alerted about the robbery at 23.01. The man was robbed by several masked men on Nygårdsvägen in Klagshamn.”
“the Man has stick – or cut injuries and was taken to the hospital by ambulance.”
” We’ve talked with the man on the spot. I don’t know how much he has been able to say, health care is going in the first place, ” says Rickard Lundqvist, presstalesperson at the police regionledningscentral.”
“the Robbers got the man’s jacket and cell phone, according to information provided to Aftonbladet. They fled on foot and is now being sought by several polispatruller, initially even by helicopter.”
“After midnight arrested a man in his 20s who is suspected of robbery.”