“Many journalists live dangerously in Iran”

“a Lot of people have been killed, imprisoned and persecuted after Iran’s islamic revolution. During the first 30 years were at least 860 journalists among those who were exposed to the regime’s hårdhandskar.”

“Pressfrihetsorganisationen Reporters without borders (RSF) has gone through a secret file with around 1.7 million legal intervention in Iran between 1979 and 2009. And even if the profession is not listed, have it also, after months of work and analysis, been able to verify that the 860 journalists or citizen journalists are among those arrested or detained.”

“at Least four of them have been executed, according to RSF.”

“It’s whistle-blowers that have provided the REPUBLICAN with the file the face of the regime’s celebration of the it has been 40 years since the revolution. Michelle Bachelet, the UN commissioner for human rights, to take part of what RSF have come up with.”

“the human rights organisation Human Rights Watch (HRW) has inter alia pointed to the following location in Iran to 2017:”

“at Least 476 people were executed from 1 January to 27 november. Several of the executed were accused of crimes that they allegedly committed when they were children.”

“the judicial processes in the courts, in particular revolutionsdomstolarna, is not justice and, inter alia, confessions obtained under torture as evidence. In particular säkerhetsfångar is not given sufficient medical assistance.”

“the Authorities continue to suppress freedom of expression, freedom of association, freedom of religion and freedom of assembly.”

“Lawyers, journalists, human rights activists and lgbt people and some other minorities are persecuted and imprisoned.”

“the Protesters have been treated very harshly repressed by the security forces.”