Traditionally, the trade unions mobilise for the day of work. Even today, tens of thousands of people came to rallies. The Talk was cautioned not to fare evasion and for a more social Europe.

tens of thousands of people in Germany in the traditional rallies to 1. May participated. The unions had called for nationwide demonstrations for the day of work. This year, the issue of tariff binding was the focus.

the East and the West is still unequal

The Central may day rally of the German trade Union Confederation (DGB) was held in Leipzig, Germany. In front of an estimated 2000 people criticized the DGB-Chef Reiner Hoffmann, East German workers to slave away for the same power “, always”. He also warned of the increasing tariff of escape. Therefore, 30 years after the reunification was not always managed, to have equal living conditions in Germany.

Although the wage gap between the East and the West in companies, with collective bargaining coverage was nearly closed, said Hoffmann. “The reality in the Eastern countries is part of it but also that just 44 percent of employees are covered by the protection of collective agreements.” However, be it in the West only 57 percent. “We will not accept it, that the capitalists are almost daily fare flight to operate,” said Hoffmann.

East German would have to toil for the same power “, always”, said DGB chief Reiner Hoffmann.

policy Action

invited Also.di boss Frank Bsirske called for the day of work for a strengthening of collective bargaining coverage. He demanded that public procurement will in future be awarded only to tariff-bound companies. “Not only unions, but also the policy,” said Bsirske before the may rally.di in Hamburg. He campaigned also for a basic pension without a means test, as used in the policy is currently being discussed.

Bsirske called on to participate in the European elections. It was “this year, pointing the way”. Climate change, financial crises, refugee movements, terrorism, and international trade conflicts require, in his words, “More cooperation”. The DGB-chairmen that there was need for a “more social Europe”, which “makes for better living and working conditions of the people”.

thousands of people in Berlin alone

The DGB had its may day demonstrations due to the upcoming European elections on may 26. May, under the additional Motto “Europe. But now, right!”. In Berlin, approximately 8,000 people came to the first estimates for the Demonstration. In the past year, according to the DGB, around 14,000 participants.

thousands of people have followed the call of the DGB in Berlin and on the road.

“, The Heavy goes on and on”

The trade unions in Bavaria, the growing inequality is criticized. “Much of the wealth is in the hands of a small minority,” said the Bavarian DGB Chairman Matthias Jena, Germany in Munich. This minority of one percent own in this country as much assets as 88 percent of the population – and the gap kept widening. In Nuremberg, there was a rally of the IG metal.

DGB-study to work: high pressure, high identification, 22.11.2018 Bsirske gives employers poor grades, 27.02.2019 Atlas |Germany |Leipzig

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