Ghent, Delhaize apartments to be built on the land next to the Sint-Anna church, and so money from the redevelopment of this iconic building? Yes, that is allowed, as is apparent from the open call that was launched to help you find candidates. No, this is not allowed, it sounds from a political angle. Next Tuesday there is a commission on this in the meantime contentious dossier.

The city showed the PMV and The Flemish Erfgoedkluis search for candidates for the St. anne’s church a new destination, so searched the news site Apache. In that call, literally, was: “The building consists of a monumental ground floor of 2.094 m2. The site has an area of 4.511 m2 where potential new buildings can be realized in the current adjacent car park and surrounding garden.” The construction may be so, and that is exactly what Delhaize is planning. They want to build against the existing apartments (so not against the church itself), along both sides. That can, as long as the buildings are not deeper than the existing buildings and look to the right, a passage remains free to the back garden, because that is public space, and a park. There is also a small street, Green Ooie, that spends in the Tweebruggenstraat. On the left side have space for supply of the church. (Read more under the picture)