“May hope sommarflört with the Labour party”

“A couple of weeks now the british prime minister Theresa May to reach a settlement with the opposition, then her government decided to let the house of commons vote in favour of brexit in the beginning of June.”

“Sources within the Labour party says that the party will trap the proposal if one has not reached an agreement.”

“the Bill to implement the Uk’s withdrawal from the EU will be put to the vote in the parliament in the first week in June, the government announced on Tuesday. It will happen regardless of whether you reached an agreement with the opposition or not.”

“the News came after a meeting between Theresa May and labour leader Jeremy Corbyn. The government describes the talks as good and constructive. Soundbites from the Labour party, however, is more cautious. The party calls for more concessions from 10 Downing Street and ask themselves how credible the government’s promises really are when the strong voices within the ruling Conservative party are opposing their own leaders.”

“Tricky negotiations”

“It was, inter alia, on the basis of the divisions in its own ranks, which May in the beginning of april began to negotiate with the opposition, in the hope to get the majority of their brexitplan. The uk government and the rest of the EU agreed in november 2018, about a british utträdesavtal. But May have failed to get support for the agreement in the house of commons by three votes.”

“the Labour party will continue to vote’ no ‘ if you are unable to reach a settlement with the government before the new vote, say sources within the party, according to the BBC. The opposition insists inter alia that the Uk should maintain a close trading relationship with the EU after its withdrawal, which many of Mays members strongly opposed to. Labour also wants to see assurances that workers ‘ rights are not eroded after brexit.”

“the Party goes a difficult balancing act between their commitment to supporting a withdrawal and at the same time ensure that the Uk retains strong ties to the EU. Both the Labour and Conservative party are under pressure of the newly formed, deep EU-critical Brexitpartiet – who leads the polls for the EUROPEAN elections on 23 may. The party led by the former Ukip-the protagonist Nigel Farage.”

“the Government has described it as very important to a utträdesplan can be approved before parliament goes on sommarledighet at the end of July. If they lose the upcoming vote will not make a fifth attempt, say government sources to the BBC.”

“In that case it might be relevant with a avtalslöst exit – something that the EU-representatives and many british politicians would prefer to avoid.”

“the Uk needs to adopt a package of laws to legally be able to implement the agreement on withdrawal from the EU. This is a requirement laid down in the previous legislation around the brexit from the year before.”

“The so-called Withdrawal Agreement, the Bill is put to the vote in the british house of commons sometime during the week beginning Monday 3 June, according to the government’s announcement on Tuesday.”

“the Parliament will be able to vote through amendments to the law, which allows for the government to fulfil the promises one gives to the Labour party as part of a potential settlement with the party.”