Theresa May has asked Parliament for a mandate for the renegotiations to the Brexit Treaty. But many MPs want to take the government head Hand over the reins.

For the hour, the British Parliament discussed about the Brexit-a roadmap. The British Prime Minister Theresa May has asked for a mandate for the renegotiations to the Brexit agreement with the EU. It was clear that the Parliament with the controversial Backstop clause could not live. Therefore, you will have to negotiate this and other points, said May. The Backstop provision is to prevent EU exit is a hard limit between the part of great Britain, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.

the leading candidate of The European Conservatives in the European elections, Manfred Weber, granted in renegotiation, once again a cancellation. “The contract is on the table, is to accept,” said Weber. The agreement had been negotiated and “a compromise of many interests”.