It seems desperate: The British Prime Minister, Theresa May wants to negotiate with the EU on Changes in the exit contract. So you want to be found for the controversial agreement, a majority in Parliament in London. Two weeks ago, the large majority of the deputies voted against the divorce contract. But without a valid agreement looms on the 29. March mayhem-Brexit.

However, it is unclear whether concessions granted by the EU will really be enough to convince the Treaty’s opponents in may’s Conservative party. May calls for a legally-binding Changes to the Backstop, the catch-all solution that should prevent that ever customs checks on the island of Ireland will be needed. Followers of a hard-Brexit for the Conservatives oppose the legislation because it provides for, that the Kingdom may remain tight in the EU connected.

On Tuesday evening voted a narrow majority in Parliament for a resolution to the effect that members should approve the Treaty at the second attempt, if May defused before the Backstop. 317 MPs were against it, 301. This means not automatically that for the agreement to Changes, in fact a majority exists.

The invisible boundary would be visible

The EU will eliminate these catch-all solution, finally, completely, because otherwise the danger is that, after Brexit, on the border between the EU member Ireland and the British Northern Ireland truck that should be checked. The invisible barrier would be visible, and the could result in of the once troubled province of Northern Ireland tensions. So far, Brussels refuses to renegotiate anyway. The EU is still in talks, may not London hope at most to minor Changes, which reduce the effectiveness of this contingency, in this case, screen.

May would try to sell the Parliament in London that such concessions as a breakthrough. However, it is highly doubtful whether they can convince in order for a sufficient number of Treaty opponents. It has only a small majority, and in your group there are some Brexit enthusiasts, the whole contract goes against the grain and take an exit without any agreement. Promising it would be for May, the opposition party, the Labour approach. You would have to make the social Democrats concessions, such as the Labour required to remain in a customs Union with the EU as a destination. Although May would lose the last remnant of support from Fans of the hard Brexit in their own party – the Conservatives, the cleavage threatened. But such a large coalition for a reasonable Brexit course could dissolve the blockage in London.

There May a lack of courage and leadership for such a step, she chooses to prefer the apparently easier way: follow-up negotiations. Mays promise to find Changes in a majority, should not Brussels trust dear. The Prime Minister does not have its own party in control. Mays weakness is dangerous – for the United Kingdom and the Rest of the EU.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 30.01.2019, 06:19 PM