We danes are pretty wild to ride a bike – even when we get a little up in age. Approximately seven out of ten people over 60 years of running on the bike, and almost half of those bikes at least once a week in the summer. It shows a study by Epinion has conducted for the Council for Safe Traffic and TrygFonden among 1013 cyclists between 65 and 80 years.

It informs the Council for Safe Traffic, in a press release.

the Council for Safe Traffic stresses, that it is good for the individual’s health, well-being and mobility by pedaling, but that there is a challenge. When we get up in years, increases the number of cykleuheld and damage, particularly because of poorer balance.

But it can easily and simply do something about, is the message conveyed in the current campaign ‘Safe on the bike – the whole of life’ from the Council for Safe Traffic and TrygFonden, which encourages seniors to take a critical look at whether they have the right bike.

Many people – typically men – have bikes with high rod, and it can be a challenge to get swung my leg over the bar, when you get up in age.

– A big part of the crashes happens when seniors lose balance, for example, when the lift or swinging the leg up high to get of or on the bike. This applies to both men and women. Therefore, we need more seniors to choose a bike with the so-called low step. So many accidents and injuries are avoided, says Tina Valter Olsen, project manager in the Council for Safe Traffic, in a press release.

See also: Drivers and cyclists meetings are now this sign.

A look at the accident figures reveals that cyclists over the age of 65 years are over-represented in the cyklistulykker, and that often there is talk about eneulykker.

In the survey, the corresponding button every 10., that he or she is knocked over on the bike in the last year.

– A decrease in the cycle can have major consequences. While a young person might get off with get cuts and bruises, so the risk of a person over 65 years of age, to break the hand, the arm or the hip. This is damage, as it can take a long time to get over, and that impairs quality of life. Therefore, it is important that we prevent the accident, and it can seniors have to choose a bike with low step, says René Højer, head of the TrygFonden.

Of the nine percent, which is toppled on their bicycle within the past year, getting 46 percent to damage. The biggest enkeltforklaring is, according to the Council for Safe Traffic, the cyclists lost balance, as they for example were to of and on their bike.

the Council for Safe Traffic advise you to choose a bike that is easy to come by, and on, and that you remember cykelhjelmen.

Cars – 14. may. 2020 – pm. 10:50 So many offenders went into police traps