Late admission: Former US First Lady Michelle Obama cried for half an hour after leaving the White House.

After Donald Trump’s inauguration as President in January 2017, the 59-year-old revealed in her new podcast “The Light Podcast” that she and her family boarded the government plane Air Force One. “And when the doors closed, I cried for 30 minutes, sobbing uncontrollably, because that’s how much we pulled ourselves together for eight years.”

It was difficult to leave the White House in the US capital Washington, where she had lived for eight years – it was the only house that the two daughters really knew. “They remembered Chicago, but they had spent more time in the White House than anywhere else.”

Saying goodbye to White House employees was also difficult, said the wife of former US President (2009-2017) Barack Obama. “There were tears, there were these feelings.”

But it was particularly bad to experience Trump’s inauguration. The opposite of what she and her family represented was seen on stage. For example, the ranks of those present did not reflect social diversity. But you had to pull yourself together, as you had done for eight years, Obama said. The family then boarded the Presidential Helicopter, Marine One, bound for Andrews Air Base.

Michelle Obama insisted on giving Trump another one in her podcast. When they flew over the US Capitol in Washington, there weren’t many people there, the 59-year-old said. “By the way, we saw it.”

The day after Trump’s inauguration in January, Trump’s then-press secretary Sean Spicer claimed at his first press conference, “This was the largest audience ever to attend an inauguration. Point!”