With a change of the guidelines for when citizens in Denmark can visit their lovers are from the Nordic countries or Germany, justice minister Nick Hækkerup (S), it is now much easier for kæresteparrene.

It is thus now sufficient to sign a faith – and love-declaration to get his girlfriend from the Nordic countries or Germany and across the border.

This was stated by the minister of justice to DR.

The new guideline will enter into force in the course of a few days.

– If you come from the nordic countries or Germany, and must visit his girlfriend in Denmark, you need to print out a piece of paper out and write in that you are lovers, and so it is sufficient, says the minister of justice to DR.

the Change comes after the guidelines in the first place required that, as a starting point had been together for six months.

in Addition, would the police give the citizen a number of opportunities to prove that you are in a relationship.

on Sunday, informed the Police that, for example, could be done by displaying information on the name, domicile and contact information on his girlfriend. At the same time, one could have the ability to display emails, text messages, call logs or pictures.

It sparked criticism from, among others, The Radical. Spokesman Kristian Hegaard believed that there was a risk that it evolved into a ‘kærlighedsbureaukrati’.

He recommended that travellers instead to sign a faith – and love-declaration. It is this which now also becomes the guideline for Nick Hækkerups change.

It was in the last week, the political parties agreed to let the persons with permanent residence in the nordic countries and Germany cross the border to Denmark, if they are in a relationship with a person with permanent residence in the country.