More than 50 articles wrote Claas Relotius for the “mirror”. As the magazine put now open, several of the award-winning stories have been manipulated: places, quotes, or people were freely invented.

in 2014, had written Claas Relotius for the “mirror” reports from all over the world, reports on moving fates. But the 33-Year-old has been tampered with in several articles, facts, or add to this thought. The news magazine itself laid open the fraud now. Relotius have added his fakes and no longer work for the house.

In several of his articles remained of the former “mirror”-author Claas Relotius not to the facts.

awarded with several prizes

Total Relotius in the “mirror” has been published, according to the magazine, 55 texts, as the author or Co-author. As a freelance Journalist he also wrote for other media, including the “Financial Times Germany”, the “SZ-Magazin”, or for the online edition of “time”.

For his work was awarded Relotius multiple prices: about 2014 as a CNN”Journalist of the year” and this year, with Peter Scholl-Latour-price and the German reporter award in 2018.

The most recent award was for his story about a Syrian refugee boy, is convinced that, in a prank war in the country with triggered. However, as the mirror says now, was much of a lie in the Story:

“quotes, places, scenes, a supposed man of flesh and blood. Fake.”