TV Remarkable passage in ‘Misdaaddokters’ tonight. Gilles De Coster talks in the program with seven wetsdokters and six gerechtspsychiaters during the opening trying to figure out how the victims exactly to the life. As a forensic expert examine the body and spirit.

In the third episode witnesses the wetsdokters about large-scale dramatic moments, such as the attacks in Zaventem and Maelbeek. The moments in which their job is a mission. They examined the victims but also the perpetrators and they enjoyed the events very, very close. That they are also the perpetrators under the hands, is a double sense, as it seems.

“You actually begins with the idea that here are all victims, but moreover, there are also body parts of the perpetrator, the person in charge, that inhumane suffering has caused. That is a double”, says doctor The Boosere. “That is a double.” Dingeman Rijken tells The Coster that you, as a law doctor didn’t immediately know what the body of the offender. “But you do know that the body that is most fragmented, then the perpetrator should be. Or someone who is very close to the bomb.”

All experts will tell you that they are the perpetrators at that time was not really different than the other victims. “At that time, is he the same as someone else,” says law doctor Joke Wuestenbergs. Also Rich agrees: “I got together with Wim Van de Voorde the autopsies done on those offenders. And I have that brain vastgehad, or the remnants anyway. And that is the only moment I thought: here were extremist ideas. This brain has something contrived, something came up. There, I was then very aware of.”

‘Misdaaddokters’ runs for six weeks on Canvas. Tonight starts the third installment to 21.15 hours.