“Moskébesök was cancelled after the parents ‘reactions”

“As a part of religious instruction would be a lågstadieklass in Gothenburg, sweden to visit a mosque. But after the reactions from the parents was the visit.”

“– It is so extremely boring. My son cried and was jätteupprörd, ” says the mother of one of the students.”

“On Thursday would a lågstadieklass in Gothenburg, sweden to visit a mosque. It was planned as a part of religious education and the parents had been given directives about what clothes were in place, reports Göteborgs-Posten. A mother, who is himself a muslim, tells her that her son looked forward to the visit.”

” He was a little nervous but proud that they would go there. I said that it would go well and that the other students would think it is fine, ” she says to Aftonbladet.”

“But after only an hour, the boy was home again. The mother should have been told that moskébesöket did not materialize after the reactions from other parents. One of them will have appeared at the school and said that the girls were forced to wear the veil in the mosque. After several parents heard of took the principal decision to cancel the visit.”

“– It is so extremely boring. My son cried and was jätteupprörd. They called the mosque and checked but was told that no veil was needed, says the mother and continues,”

“– It is about education. I let my children visit the church, it feels natural. This was a study visit and it is all about general knowledge.”

“In a letter to parents, such as Aftonbladet taken part of, it says that the children need to have ”a long-sleeved shirt and pants on”. No veil mentioned.”

“”Several guardians responded””

“According to the principal shoots of the visit to the parents received insufficient information.”

“But the mother does not agree that the information was unclear.”

“– In the email clearly showed what was going on, ” she says.”