the Sun banks away. The thermometer is all the way up in the red field.
The ladies – it is up on the stiletterne, on with the short, floral dresses, and wipe the forehead of sweat. Our babser go out and swing in the streets. It has been summer!!!
See also: Stephanie Star on the tv industry: I have been ridiculed and taken advantage of
I just have to ask: Are there more like me, who needs trouble?
In the year will be a crazy summer, predicts this little Italian baroness.
In The gods, where has this winter pulled the teeth out. No warm hugs, no sex (ah, almost no one), and you’ve hardly dared to flirt, well! But now there is full blast on.
I hugged the first of this week, and it was SO much needed! My legs have been sol, and my eyes have got something good to look for.
See also: ‘Spaghetti-negro! Travel home where you come from!’
Hudsulten is pronounced, we are craving for, they just lårbasser, and I miss quite frankly a badejern and eyes that strips me of. But you’ve hardly allowed itself to something as innocent as a small, cheeky øjenflirt.
I lack to see and feel the skin, lots of skin!
I dream of swimming naked, of course, when all the young people and the children are in bed, or at least the children. I will jump in the water from my friend’s boat, or swim in the sun’s warm rays, I just want OUT and be FREE!
See also: Stephanie Star regret dildo-ups: I’m a big miljøsvin!
My summer dress should damn well be extra short in years!
My sparse 168 cm is like the sicilian volcano Etna – ready to jump out! And woe to those I meet on my way. I eat you it’s damned hard!
I think it is nice to think that we must be together in Denmark, we are us. We relate to each other, also after sex, for it is not a small sommerflirt with a fresh girl or guy from Spain. Therefore, strictly speaking, it could well be a German, but it sounds just not so cool on Instagram and Facebook – #germanlover. It is a bit like #sporti2eren. So rather #thebigdane.
Not. Friends. It is not the gas.
See also: I’m penniless: One crack damn sure not for the money
It is to swim naked is not of lust. NO, it is to be FREE! Free to throw clothes on and jump in the water, when I WILL and MUST!
the Freedom, the experiences, krammerne and safe sex – that we miss! I do!
All together we can spend the summer on. We must use our money in Denmark. On each other. We need to enjoy each other.
I am me, and this summer will be it in the family, as we say in Italy.
See also: Ridiculous ‘rules’ in the tv-program: I had to not go in the bath
See also: Before, I was the pure freakshow in the face – I looked like a bavians asshole