There should really be a remote in all the rooms, but on the Common the a & e department at the Hospital of southern Jutland user the nurses too much time looking for lost remotes.

It writes DR South on Saturday.

One of them, each day looking for lost remotes, nurse Sandra Schultz.

– I am using well as a minimum of 8-10 minutes each day to look after them. It is an unnecessary task. I could instead use the time to be with patients. Many of our patients have needs for the social, and here means ten minutes the very, says Sandra Schultz DR South.

Only on every fifth living room is a remote control for the patients, because the rest has disappeared.

– There is not someone who has a clue where they disappear to go, says Sandra Schultz.

the Remote should really sit firmly on the wall behind the bed with a red wire but the red wire is cut on all the rooms. Now is the remaining remotes easier randomly on each of the living rooms.

– It is, after all, so that we only have about one to every five living room, adds Sandra Schultz.

The missing remotes goes beyond the patients when the staff is looking in vain.

– So are they the house into a black screen, says the nurse.

the head nurse on the spot, Helle Overgaard says that they try to buy new remotes, but the problem does not disappear because of that.

We buy between 20 and 25 remotes at a time. But it ranks only for about two months, says Helle Overgaard to DR South.

When they disappear within so short a period, so it is not insignificant to the economy.

Such a remote cost 100 dollars So it is some money spent on it, says Helle Overgaard.

Even though it costs dollars and cents to buy new remotes home, so is the alternative to the crime dramas, quiz programs and the news too boring, think nurse Sandra Schultz.

– The, which is mobile, can go and look out of the window. The alternative is to look into the wall, she says.