The US space agency Nasa has made a new attempt to launch its moon rocket. On Monday, the countdown began for the launch of the 98-meter rocket, which should lift off early Wednesday morning and take an unmanned spacecraft to the moon.

This time, too, there was a question mark over the repeatedly postponed start date. Last week, gusts from Hurricane Nicole loosened a three-meter-long section of seal near the space capsule at the tip of the rocket. Flight control wanted to make sure it wouldn’t cause any damage if it broke off on takeoff. A final decision was expected by Monday evening.

The expedition is to bring an unmanned space capsule into a lunar orbit, which should land back on earth after almost a month. The launch has been repeatedly delayed since August due to fuel leaks and hurricanes. NASA wants to attempt a manned flight to the moon in 2024.

A landing is planned for 2025, more than 50 years after Eugene Cernan from “Apollo 17” became the last person to leave the moon. The program is named after the Roman goddess Artemis, the twin sister of Apollo.