the Royal family’s former executive chef Jesper Vollmer, who is married with Annette Heick, and among other things is known from the DR’s ‘Eat and Save’programs, on Thursday to undergo a major surgery at Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen.

Here a group of the country’s best håndkirurger try to get more function back in his right thumb.

In a posting on Instagram, he writes, that he before the operation is ‘a very excited man.’

For the Extra Magazine he tells that he will admit that ‘excited’ in this context means that he is slightly nervous.

– since I’m obviously a little nervous. All operations are associated with a risk, he says, and continues:

– four years after the accident, I know the my hand as the ‘new hand’. I know exactly what it can and what it cannot do. And of course, I am nervous that I wake up after the operation with a hand, I do not know. I hope of course it will be for the better, but think now, if it gets worse and worse.

Fortunately Restbet for Gordon, who now travels the country and holds a presentation on how to avoid food waste, he has come into the hands of some of the country’s best specialists that he trusts fully and stuck on.

– the Doctors are quite optimistic about it here, and I choose to support the me to their assessment. If they are confident, so am I also safe, says Jesper Vollmer.

Jesper Vollmer was for many years the real man in the kitchen of the prince Henrik and queen Margrethe of denmark. Photo: DR

On the home front, despite flytterod and general juletravlhed the full backing of the missus, Annette Heick, that he throws himself in the extensive operation.

She laughed, a bit of me the other day when I came home from the meeting with the surgeon. I had enough had a notion that it could be done with a small incision, and when I told how complicated it gets, laughed, she just said: ‘Yes, of course it does’.

Annette Heick and Jesper Vollmer moved in a year back to Denmark after 16 years, to have been resident in Sweden.

Therefore, there is just a single things that must be in place before Gordon allows himself to operate.

– There is full support from her, and we’ve actually promised each other that on Wednesday – the day before the operation – the last crate being emptied into our new house, so Anette are not left with all the work, while I run around in the plaster, says Jesper Vollmer and ends by saying that he years enough under all circumstances will need the family’s help, when julemaden need to be prepared.

See also: Annette Heick the breadwinner of her husband: So little he gets in monthly salary

See also: accident hits the family Heick