Sex & Relationships Young Brits have less and less sex, suggests new research. In addition to the work-privébalans is one of the reasons the ubiquity of social media and the popularity of streamingsdiensten as Netflix. The digital distraction leads to intimacy, increasingly, the sensitive topics were left out shifts, researchers from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

The scientists analysed data of more than 34,000 British men and women between the ages of sixteen and 44 years for their fourth National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal-4. These data were compared with previous Natsal surveys from 1991, 2001 and 2012. the

the results showed that the average sexual activity with the British, since 2001 have been declining. The strongest decrease was recorded by 25-year olds and sexually active married and cohabiting couples. From the most recent data shows that only 41% of young Brits one or more times per week sex. the

at the same time 50.6 percent of the women surveyed and nearly two-thirds of the men surveyed (64,3%) to a more frequent sex life, to strive. That will is most in married and cohabiting couples, young parents who sometimes struggle with the challenges of parenthood. Many respondents also believe that their seksfrequentie lower than what if the ‘norm’ is seen.


The report also points to ‘afleidingsprikkels”, such as social media, smartphones, Netflix, and other streamingsdiensten that a lot of free time to absorb, making sexual activity difficult. Life in a digital age is so complex, the result is that the boundary between the private home and the public world outside fades away.

Netflix disputed some of the conclusions of the study. The streamingsgigant does not consider it appropriate that to them is pointed out as the cause of a decades long decline of sex. “In our opinion, is that too much honor,” was the response from Netflix spokesman to The Daily Mirror.