Long the arrow has only shown down. The new cars in Switzerland have to encounter from year to year less of CO2. In 2017, however, increased emissions again, although only slightly, the increase marked a turning point: for the First time since the beginning of the statistics in 1996 was the climate politically desired down broken trend.

How now, in 2017, not a one-time outlier. On the contrary, the emissions in 2018, with 138 grams of CO2 per Kilometer by 4 grams over the previous year, an increase of 3 percent. The internal evaluation of Auto-Schweiz, the Association of Swiss car importers. The official statistics of the Federal government is not. The Federal office for energy, which released the Figures, respectively, in early summer, but confirmed, “that the value has increased in the year 2018 and the order of magnitude of the estimate of car-Switzerland is correct”.

Andreas Burgener, Director of Auto-Schweiz, explains the increase in CO2 emissions with the decline in the sales of diesel cars. Whose sales fell by 20 percent to about 90000 vehicles, their market share, from 36 to 30 percent, according to Burgener, a consequence of the diesel scandal to manipulated motors: “the Image of diesel vehicles has noticeably suffered.” For the climate-relevant: At the same motorization, diesel cars consume less fuel and, therefore, theoretically, up to 15 percent less CO2 than gasoline. However, to in reality, mostly all-terrain vehicles and high-powered vehicles with diesel engines, in order to keep their high fuel consumption, the CO2 advantage is made at least partially offset. The rising CO2 of the new car fleet is therefore also a consequence of the 4×4 Booms in Switzerland: Last year, a four – wheel drive-was a record of almost every second car sold.

an “increase in concern”

politicians on the development concerned. “The CO2 increase is of concern and is contrary to the climate policy objectives of Switzerland,” said Jürg Grossen, President of the green liberal. In fact, the average emissions according to the CO2 law is expected to be for 2015 only 130 grams of CO2 per Kilometer. And from the end of 2020, the new limit will be only 95 grams. So it has been decided by the voting public in 2017, with his ‘ Yes ‘ to the energy strategy 2050 – similar to the EU. Auto-Schweiz-Director Burgener has referred to this target as very sporty. “Against the Background of growing CO2-emissions, the challenge is now even greater,” he says.

electric cars promote

to make matters worse: Since September 2018, the new emissions test procedure WLTP, which is intended to reflect the actual fuel consumption of the vehicles closer to reality is true for all in Switzerland, newly imported cars, so a few grams of CO2 per Kilometer is higher than in the past. According to Auto-Schweiz were redeemed car last year, around 100’000 People that were already certified according to the WLTP. The average CO2 value was 142 grams per kilometre, while the remaining 200’000 new cars had an average of 136 grams.

How to respond? The industry wants to give the Federal government, cantons and municipalities in the electro-mobility on the rise – and, therefore vehicles, no CO2, and the CO2-balance of the new car fleet. Last year 9500 new plug-in vehicles, so electric cars and Plug were enrolled-in Hybrids, in the case of 300’000 new cars. Until 2020, the share of plug-in vehicles is expected to rise in the new car at 10 percent, up to 2022 to be 15 percent, which would correspond to 45’000 vehicles.

start with The Problem: instead of the Extent to which the consumer is not clear. The Federal Council is contrary to the auto industry, he has introduced after the vote on the energy strategy 2050 on regulation, level easements: all new cars to flow only from 2023 in the CO2 accounting, and therefore the consumption of the strongest 5 percent to 15 percent. In addition, car import can your low-emission vehicles under 50 grams of CO2 per kilometre by 2022, multiple credit, what helps you to achieve the more stringent target. Without this etappierte approach the car would have to pay the industry between 2020 and 2023 penalties of up to 200 million Swiss francs, says Burgener, and refers to calculations of the BFE.

Support of the SVP and the FDP

This Swiss Finish is controversial – also because the buses forecasts in the past, as have far too turns out to be. A center-left Alliance does not want to obtain that Switzerland falls behind the EU’s efforts – with a passage in the new CO2-law, whose advice, after the Failure in the national Council will now begin in the Council of States from the front. “I see no reason why Switzerland should not comply with just your obligations, such as the neighboring countries,” says CVP national councillor Stefan Müller-Altermatt. The technological approach to climate protection, to here, a burden to the citizens at the least and a the target was the leader. Also, GLP-President Great wants to abolish the “harmful discounts”; his Motion is pending.

With the support of the car would have to be Switzerland, however, is a SVP and the FDP. National Council of Christian Imark (SVP) says, in the face of rising CO2 emissions, a transition scheme would be useful. The Diesel had been vilified, and now the people bought again increased gasoline to the detriment of the climate. For Imark the shows: “hysteria in the environmental policy does not solve any problems.”

New method to CO2 emissions better

mapping is valid Since September 2018 in Europe, the new test procedure, WLTP, which is designed to help under laboratory conditions to simulate a close-to-reality car ride. The old test cycle, the NEDC has not done that. In the introduction phase, the experts expect the WLTP emissions determined with a complicated model, as it would be the values of the NEDC. The bottom line is, the values of CO2 for the same car model as some of the grams per kilometre. For the car industry, it is therefore more difficult to reduce by 2020 the CO2 of its new car fleet to 95 grams per kilometre. Against this Background, the EU car industry wants to make in the future relative targets: From 2021 up to 2030, the CO2 should be reduced by a good third. Whether Switzerland will follow suit is open. (sth) (written by Tamedia)

Created: 29.01.2019, 22:05 Uhr