Where, if not in Aachen? The French President and the German Chancellor chose Wisely the old Imperial city in their midst, to renew the friendship of their countries. Karl the Great Aachen had in the 8. and 9. Century the centre of his Empire, made the already comprised the present-day Germany and France. To many he is therefore the “father of Europe”.
In the coronation hall of the 1349 city hall under Emmanuel Macron and Angela Merkel on Tuesday, a new friendship Pact: the Aachen-based contract. The tips of the European Union, the solemn, attended the ceremony. Not only the place, the date selected was a tribute to the common history. On the same day, the 22. January, had 56 years earlier, Konrad Adenauer and Charles de Gaulle the historic Elysée Treaty. This was sealed in 1963, the reconciliation of the former Archenemies and their friendship established.
Macrons pulse
The Initiative for a renewal of the Elysée Treaty, was of Macron assumed. In the fall of 2017, this called for a “Refoundation of Europe” and suggested to restart the Franco-German integration motor. Because Merkel responded to this a long time hesitant, it took a year longer than Macron planned, until the Treaty existed. At the same time, the delay had the effect that he had now can hardly be characterized to be a more urgent time.
The world is changing dramatically, the EU is under pressure from the inside and from the outside. In the UK, a country occurs for the first time from the Union, the American President Donald Trump foutiert the “Old continent”, even authoritarian powers like China or Russia have the world’s increasingly aggressive, according to their own interests.
Marine Le Pen claims bar every document, Macron was ready to Alsace and Lorraine re-assign.
Merkel speaking in Aachen, the old demons of nationalism and populism, and stronger again in the first place and the European community at the core, threatened. Macron looked at the unit, and indirectly, the prosperity and the peace of Europe in danger. In order to meet the new challenges, both said, would have the powers of the two European Core even closer together and take more responsibility. The German-French friendship was the indispensable basis for peace and cooperation in Europe. “Without it, Europe is falling apart,” warned Macron.
In the Aachen Treaty, the two countries agreed, in economic, research, social, security and diplomacy for greater cooperation than in the past. To read the 16 pages of the Pact, in 28 articles a lot of Friendly and Vague, but little Concrete or New. Especially the French commentators complained that it lacked the contract of ambition. Macron as Merkel responded to the criticism by promising to fulfill the contract with life and to let the intentions, actions will follow.
Big differences
As far as the two countries despite all the friendship is still apart, is evident not only in the Euro or in social policy, but also the project of a common defence. The use of the existing Franco-German Brigade, for example, would be in the case of an emergency is almost impossible, because in France, the President commanded the military, while in Germany it is not the government but the Parliament is responsible. Germany and France to develop more and more tanks and helicopter together, not quarrel, but whether this may also be to countries such as Saudi Arabia exported.
The most concrete proposals for a better cooperation of the Contracting for the regions on the 450-kilometre-long common border. Transport associations with single Tickets or water supplies across the border, bilingual day-care centres and schools, as well as joint management arrangements are intended to bring neighbors even closer together – in a “future lab” of friendship.
Not coincidentally, in France, the radical right and Left are already on the barricades. Marine Le Pen claimed a bar every document, Macron was ready to leave Alsace and Lorraine back to Germany. Left and right nationalists, including leaders of the “Gilets jaunes”, accused Macron of “treason” and “submission”. The Alternative for Germany (AfD) in turn accused Merkel of wasting German money for French interests. As Merkel Macron welcomed on Tuesday in front of the Aachen town hall, blew from remote slogans and whistles about the place. 120 protesters had strapped on, yellow the West, and called for cheaper housing and more social justice, 200 more in Europe.
(editing Tamedia)
Created: 23.01.2019, 06:31 PM