Actually, the Swedes are a flight of joyful people. They fly seven times more than the average Earthling. While the total CO2 emissions of the Scandinavian country has fallen since 1990, to 24 percent, the increase caused by aviation emissions of the greenhouse gas by 61 percent.

So that more and more people between Malmo and Lulea have a Problem. They no longer want to maintain the “idiotic life style of a lot of flying”, as the newspaper Expressen writes disparagingly. This has formed the word “flygskam” (flight of shame). He has a good chance to be in Sweden, the word of the year 2018. This means that more and more people is embarrassing to travel with the plane.

tips for rail-long distance travel

Under the Swedish counterpart to #flyingless, the Hashtag #jagstannarpåmarken (“I’ll stay on the floor”) reports, Doctors and business people thrilled, as they travel by train to meetings in London and Frankfurt, or meetings in Geneva. A Facebook group, where users can exchange tips via rail long-distance travel, joined within a few months 30’000 people. One of the most prominent heads of the Flygskam movement Björn Ferry.

The former world Cup and Olympic champion in the Biathlon was for the upcoming winter sports season as a commentator of the public television SVT hire. He did this under the condition that he should not travel. So he not travel the 800 miles from his Northern Swedish domicile at the Studio in Stockholm, but also to the venues in Italy, Slovenia or Norway, exclusively by rail.

flight passenger numbers go back

In the case of the Swedish state Railways SJ there has been a massive increase in the occupancy of the intra-Swedish night trains. Between Malmö and Stockholm rose by 100 per cent, and between southern Sweden and Lapland by 25 to 60 percent. In 2015, the railway had reduced the overnight train offer due to the decline in demand. Now it will be December, new Connections and destinations.

Also, the sale of Interrail Tickets to 2017 by 50 percent. This is accompanied by a trend reversal in passenger numbers in Safirbet air traffic. From January to September of 2018, there were three percent fewer intra-Swedish air travel and a slight decline in the number of Charter flights. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 22.11.2018, 19:04 PM