the hairpin turns, the sunshine and the view to the mountain peaks. For many it belongs with high probability to sportsvognsdrømmen to be allowed to drive the car out in the gears on the empty good alpine roads.

Unfortunately, however, it is the fewest danes, whose daily pendlerrute goes through Furkapasset or Großglockner-Hochalpenstraße. The chances are greater that it is going over a rainy Køge Bay Motorway or against Aarhus on the passing intercity road – and, under these circumstances, there is a need for a little more than just horsepower and smooth-running steering.

The reality has sportsvognsbyggerne at Porsche now apparently seen in the eyes of the new generation of the Porsche 911 is equipped with a genuine dane-setting, called the ‘Wet Mode’.

It has the German manufacturer announced in a press release.

Porsche has equipped the sports car with sensors in the wheel arch, which works a little like the regnsensorer, some cars have windshield wipers. When the sensors are brands of water that sprays up from the road, set the car’s computer systems automatically according to the situation.

the Computer grabs then faster and gentler check, if it detects that the car loses grip, and at the same time advised the driver to switch to the ‘Wet Mode’-køreindstillingen.

if you Follow the sportsvognens recommendation, slider, not a keel out from under the bottom of the car. But it is just before. 911’erens computer equip themselves further for the wet-down, the engine draws calmer up in the revs, and the car sends more of its 450 horsepower to the front wheels, if it has all-wheel drive.

the Sum of it all is, according to Porsche a sports car, there are ‘more comfortable and safer to drive in’.

– The precise interventions are especially effective in the case of rapid changes of direction, spontaneous press on the accelerator or on changing surfaces, write Porsche in the press release.

It is not, however, mean that you as a dane can achieve the same fartglæde on a soaking wet Munkebjergbakke as the French on a sunny Route Napoleon.

– Køreindstillingen lowers either the amount of effort or the possible top speed, and it should therefore not be seen as an opportunity to run strongly in the wet. It must only be seen as a assistentsystem in the truest sense of the word, says the development manager August Achleitner in the press release.

‘Wet Mode’ is a part of a major modernisation of the 911-model computer system. This includes also other programmes, which are not exactly intended for the picturesque mountain roads, as a computer-based personal assistant and a emmissionsberegner, which lets the driver pay indulgences for its CO2 footprint.