“With laws and gun violence” is in Latin. Or: “I die so that other life.” The sayings on the façade of the town hall on the Limmatquai are from times long past. The authors are the mayors from the 14. 15. Century. Can you imagine such a pathetic-bloody set of Corine Mauch.

Not anymore: This is the main criticism of various politicians at the town hall from the year 1698, in which the Canton and the Zurich municipal Council days. The people in the pictures in the Council chamber no longer no one knows, the large tapestry with the districts and municipalities is out of date. Also, the space is cramped, the seats uncomfortable. Someone wants to go pee, have to get up a lot of the members of the Council, to the Person allow. On the Pültchen just a Laptop. Also the air in the room leaves much to be desired. “In the long debates we by the CO2 to be sedated emissions of 180 members of Parliament really going,” says SP member of the Parliament Andrew Katumba. Marco Denoth writes, the work conditions are close to the unworthiness. “After all, is decided on Budgets by 8 to 15 billion Swiss francs”, the town Council and SP President to consider. Also the meeting room and work were missing spaces.

The Limmat river as an escape route

What the politicians annoys even more is the lack of access for the audience. Although the meetings are open to the public, lost hardly a spectator in the stands. “It would me, in the face of the massive door, never to enter the building”, says Denoth. “It’s like a Conclave,” adds Katumba.

The EPP criticized, especially the security situation. A member of the Parliament Hanspeter Hugentobler was the subject of a proposal, the “catastrophic” Situation. It is on the first floor a door from the hall and the ground floor only one door to the outside. In the event of a fire, the politicians have to jump ten meters in the river or on the road – a fire police No-go.

Close relationships, small folding tables: Many members of Parliament wish for better working conditions. Photo: Raisa Durandi

The solution to these politicians is this: It is a new Parliament building. SP and EPP will submit on Monday in the cantonal Parliament a Motion. Required is a loan submission for a “house of democracy”. On Wednesday is double the urban-SP in the municipal Council in accordance with a similar postulate. Katumba and Denoth an open, transparent house in mind for all. It should be encounter zones with the audience, a Forum for political groups and infrastructure for the members of Parliament and commissions. “The goal is to create more openness, more accessibility and more exchanges in order to strengthen our democratic institutions,” says Katumba. You should afford, after more than 300 years in the old building. He compares the new with a sponge, soak up some of the concerns from the people in the parliaments. As the site in question is the paper gonna come-the Area where the Globus-Provisorium, for which the city is looking for 50 years a brilliant idea. Also, the carpark space or the barracks are options.

Many of the calls failed

It is not the first attempt for a new town hall. In the 1980s, SVP cantonal Parliament Toni Bortoluzzi called for a less tight buildings. In the 90s, Hartmuth Attenhofer (SP), Ruedi wanted to pull aeschbacher (EPP) and Anton Schaller (LdU) in the New exchange. At the beginning of the Millennium, Liliane Waldner and Hugo book (both SP) not asked: Why to Winterthur? In the municipal Council, the SP had grown up with Markus Zimmermann is active. All of them failed. Also, the current proposal will not have it easy. Especially in the cantonal Parliament, the resistance is large. The business line (GL), in which all parties are represented, has endorsed, according to the President Yvonne Bürgin (CVP) with a large majority a return after the exile (see Box).

One of the few statements in the GL, the Green Esther Guyer is willing. Their group, but against them. Also, the Bourgeois block. Martin Pretty (SVP) argues for modesty in their own right: “We have more important things to Finance.” In addition, it would be an honor to be in such a historic building days. Similar to Benno Scherrer (GLP) is ticking. He does not want to “put itself a monument”. In addition, modern town halls have often the doubt, “the charm of the Congress hotel”. For Markus Bischoff (AL), the tight space conditions at all the advantages: It is mandatory to Work concentrated. “Two Laptops on the table without the guarantee of a better political work,” he says.

ZKB-millions numbers

Positive, it sounds from the municipal Council. Markus Kunz (Green) is clearly a statement: “The working conditions at city hall are under each cannon.” Andri silver Schmidt (FDP) is torn. He praises the charm of the old town hall, but finds it “in the times of the alienation of the people and the policy citizen-friendly”. The young politician could imagine the following solution: a house of Congress with a built-in Parliament, on the carpark space, financed with the anniversary million of the ZKB. Divided with a tendency no, Stefan Urech (SVP). Although the Seating arrangement and infrastructure are not be more timely. However, the portrait images of unknown people on the wall showed that it was as of today’s politicians, only a small part of a big story. Corina Gredig (GLP), the changes next time, in the cantonal Parliament, on the other hand is open: “The idea is to check the value.” In the old town hall, you could install a Museum, the cinema, the theatre or the children’s University, you will find it. Party colleague Sven Sobernheim wants a low-schwelligeren access for the audience.

“is Where my people are, since my heart is.” Also this quote on the facade of the old town hall.


Created: 12.04.2019, 21:48 PM