This new year’s eve ’89 in Berlin was a very special joy and holiday. A, the there were never. And will give. The “joy, beautiful spark of the gods” has rarely been so fervently sung, some to enter but remained silent, because them scary was that came to you. The GDR, with its mechanisms was still there, but only as a ghostly state, everyone knew that the settlement was imminent. Or the friendly Takeover: The brother-and-sisters-state embraced the workers-and-peasants-state so violently that the breath away: The thickness of the large cabbage in full in addition to the frail de Maiziere – as the screen burst. The height of the eyes?

Christmas was in the East, Hans Modrow, at the helm. Both the Prime Minister and the Chancellor, on 22. in the pouring rain, the flight was transformed to tears of joy showers, through the Brandenburg gate, the wide-legged barricades wall was made the night before by NVA-troops of peaceful permeable. Those who were there will forget this night-time scenario, The border guards destroy their work to the masonry, the making for 28 years before his own Work, and their desire had to guard.

high spirits at the Brandenburg gate, cared for the wounded and the dead

came To new year’s eve, countless guests to the Brandenburg gate, this century icon wanted to be touched and kissed, some took this literally: Up to 500 people were at night at the same time in addition to, on or between the Quadriga, the chariot of peace goddess, who galloped to the East. Several hundred thousand had come to the gate, because they have something Solemn expected. Everything, immediately, without delay. Spontaneous and irregular.

As a Video wall of television broadcasting from Adlershof collapsed because they could no longer take the masses, there were 135 wounded, Under the Linden trees, is a dead lay. The city cleaning is fought at the end by an inch high covering made of glass, O friends, do not splinter: ’this sounds!

daily mirror people


order A Minute after twelve, the Baby George saw the flash of light at the Charité: 48 inches tall, 2710 grams. Mother Mechthild Wolf, an Economist, spotlights to the double happiness in the camera. We wanted to make George, the first Baby in the year of the reunification, find, which, unfortunately, failed. Maybe he answers: Georg Wolf or Dietze (the father). New year 29 years old.

in search of fresh, free air

new year’s eve 1989/90: The transitional society. Transitions, from East to West and Vice versa was virtually closed by the border. Joy of reunion. Curiosity. Looking for fresh, free air. The a drive to the Bavarian Relatives (and discover that the East-Nutcracker-or -Smoking males in the West basement are stranded), the other to bring a selection of 200 cheeses from the KaDeWe Department store in the East, and the rave: Well, that’s all very soon with you.

And so it comes to Abundance. When you preview the unit, year 1990, only the fortune-tellers of the coffee grounds (“drastic’t read the end of changes, indicate”), but also prominent figures from the GDR to Express their hopes, and sometimes fears. Angelica Domröse, the actress, is reminiscent of Richard von Weizsäcker’s wish: “to grow together, not grow”. You want to continue to have two States, because “my Fears of a unity of Germany are larger than the hopes”.

her husband Hilmar Thate is afraid that “the GDR is sold at a loss after the foliage Pieper-Stalinism and its citizens to the service staff of the Profithaie”. And the singer Veronika Fischer wants a society that is attractive, productive, and the rule of law, “not the elbow society.”

the wall in The sale

Well, right to the point: On the 5. January in East Berlin after ten years of Pause and do a winter sale. And ADN reports that the GDR foreign trade operation Limex “is offering foreign buyers for the time being, about 40 segments of the Berlin wall to purchase”. They come from the Opening of border crossing points such as at the Brandenburg gate or the Potsdamer Platz. The from this business to be high expected foreign exchange receipts go to an account and are intended solely for humanitarian purposes. A certificate documents the authenticity. The currency clammy state sold at a loss to be the feared a wide range of building, the wall woodpeckers get the Rest.

More about

large-scale event in the capital for 30 years fall of the wall: What Berlin is planning for the anniversary celebration

Andreas Conrad

The way researchers, with titles, features and prices Grand Seigneur, the bourgeois of the GDR Elite, Manfred von Ardenne, showered, had very high hopes after the fall of the wall: “It is, I believe, in this century, no year given, where the people in the world, in Europe and especially in the GDR, with so many justified hopes of the new year could see. Before all things must come to recognize our youth, not only that we have a steep climb ahead, but that is to be expected for each of a multitude of tasks, the solution of which there is profound satisfaction.“ Until today.