climate protection and free Internet are gone in the past few months, hundreds of thousands of young people on the street. This is a one time commitment or a Re-politicisation of the youth?

“Fridays for Future” and the EU copyright reform have brought in the past few months, a total of hundreds of thousands of young people on the street. And they are publicly perceived, According to a representative survey by the opinion research Institute YouGov, 48 percent of the population have the impression that the protests new, influential youth movements would just.

The Numbers give this impression right. 15. March said the “Fridays for Future”-movement for global day of protest. In Germany alone, more than 300,000 young people for more climate protection is demonstrated in 220 towns.

Also, the resistance against the EU copyright reform mobilized under the Hashtag “#save-your-Internet” many – mainly young – people. At the end of March there were nationwide, tens of thousands protested against the so-called “Upload-Filter”, and you feared censorship of the Internet.

especially the young people involved at the end of March in Hannover at a Demo against the EU copyright reform.

the political interest of the youth is growing again, also observed is the science. Wolfgang Kühnel, a Professor of sociology at the University of Economics and law in Berlin, explained that this was a result of the recent Shell youth study in 2015. Added to this would be now the relevance of issues such as climate change and free Internet. That these topics attract young people to the importance, also some random deck. Models such as Greta Thunberg played a role and the “divisibility” of the content on Social Media contribute to mobilising.

we need to make in our city, too”

Carlotta Petersen is 15 years old and since the beginning of 2019 in the case of the “Fridays for Future” active. For them, it is the first Time that they engaged themselves politically. In the few months that she is going to has changed for you. She comes from a family that is an environmentally-conscious life is important. However, Fridays for the Future, “” something else, she says. After you was with a girlfriend on a Demo of the Alliance in Hamburg, they decided: “we need to make in our city.” So, she has built up a local Chapter in their home town of Boizenburg in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

a Lot of runs over WhatsApp and Instagram, the students meet in the youth house in the city or in the school library, to plan their actions. Last participated in the weekly school strike by about 200 people. For Boizenburg with a little more than 11,000 inhabitants, this is an impressive number.