if we (Dagbladet): Four persons is buried in the cold mountainside in the if we in the state of minnesota. The weather conditions make it impossible to continue the search for the deceased on the Blåbærfjell.

on Monday morning it snowed there heavily, and the wind blew with the small breeze strength.

NVE may have found the cause of the avalanche

today released the police the names of the four who was taken by the avalanche.

The three men who perished in the avalanche on Blåbærfjell, were all from the northern ostroborthia county in Finland.

Niklas Nyman was 36 years old. He studied at the villmarksguide-line by Axxells trade school for about ten years ago. He was residing in Dalsbruk. According to the newspaper Vasabladet, he worked as a teacher. The school he worked at, had Friday kveldsåpent for those who would talk with the school’s crisis team.

Michael Stone was from Malax and was 29 years of age. He studied at the villmarksutdanningen.

André Stenfors was from Korsholm and was 32 years.

the Disa Violett Lynx Bäckström was from Sweden. She was 29 years of age.

LEFT: the Car, which friends used to get to if we stood again in the parking lot at the bottom of the Blåbærfjell, after the rescuers had to call off the action on Friday. Photo: Private Show more

Families, closest relatives, boyfriends and close friends are now informed about the tragic incident. They were taken care of by the kriseteamet in Balsfjord municipality in collaboration with medical personnel from University hospital of North Norway in Tromsø.

The families are, according to the head of the kriseteamet, Gunda Johansen, on the way home. Their loved ones were left on the Blåbærfjell. It can go many days before the ruthless covenant search party again can get up on the mountain to search for the casualties.

AVALANCHE: Four people are still missing after a huge avalanche on the Blåbærfjellet in if we in the state of minnesota. Innsatsleder Roald Berntsen explains why it is so difficult for letemannskapene to search for the missing. Video: Øistein Norum Monsen / DagbladetVis more Show more New plans

today there will be plans for further efforts. The only sure way to get the crew in and out is by helicopter, says chief of staff Morten Pettersen at Troms police district.

weather forecast did not allow further letearbeid in the day, and no one knows yet when the crew can be sent up on Blåbærfjell.

FOUR LIGHT: Family, boyfriends and friends lit four candles during a memorial for the four friends who perished in the skredulykken. Photo: Øistein Norum Monsen / Dagbladet Show more

– We will look at how værprognosene is, and how the operation can rigges the best possible, but it is difficult to say some about the time perspective, ” says Miller.

Heidi Beach, vaktleder in NVEs snøskredvarsling, says that there is a significant snøskredfare in inner Troms.

in the It has been mildvær that has affected up to 600 metres, it has blown strong and snowed close, and it has added new flakes of fokksnø on top of the old snølaget, ” says Heidi Beach, vaktleder in NVEs snøskredvarslingstjeneste.

risk of avalanche: All the roads up to the mountain are dangerous and are marked with a red and orange color on the topographic map from the NVE. Skredområdet where the deceased probably is buried in the snømassene, is marked with the blue line. Illustration: NVE Show more

“Our assessment is that it is generally unstable conditions with persistent weak layers in the snow cover,” says Beach.

Battle against the clock

When a person is buried by snow, begins the snow around to melt from the body heat. If it gets colder, run the risk of the person to be encased in ice. It makes it harder for lavinehundene to sniff out where the person is buried.

Friday picked the rescue helicopter up two signals from the skredsendere that the missing was wearing when the snow slid down the mountainside.

BLÅBÆRFJELL: On Sunday afternoon showed the top of the Blåbærfjell in a short moment. Photo: Øistein Norum Monsen / Dagbladet Show more

Standard battery life for skredsøkere is between 100 and 200 hours.

We have taken point of departure in that the transmitters have a 100-hour battery life, so we are fighting against the clock, where also, told Mags Gilbert, klinikkoverlege at the emergency medical clinic at UNN Tromsø, the Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet on Sunday.

We work with you to get the deceased down from the mountain as quickly and respectfully as possible, told Gilbert to Dagbladet yesterday. He has worked closely on the rescue operation from the beginning and has been a part of the crew that has taken care of the relatives.

Aadne live under skredfjellet. Now he tells what happened the next day when four people disappeared in the avalanche