The British Parliament voted on Wednesday against an EU-exit without a contract. These Brexit without the agreement wanted to prevent only an extremely small majority of the deputies: 312 said Yes, and thus no to the No-Deal-Brexit – 308 votes in the EU without agreement on 29. March want to leave. The more Radical, only three votes were missing.

Now is scheduled on Thursday to vote on whether London should apply for a postponement of the Brexits. It is an extension of the deadline by several weeks or months. However, a prerequisite is that all 27 other member States agree. The UK wants the European Union is actually on the 29. March, leave.

An Amendment to the effect that the United Kingdom occur without an exit agreement in a transitional phase, and then about the future relationship with the EU to negotiate, with 164 to 374 votes significantly declined. Also, the EU had rejected the.

The Brussels agreement negotiated was instructed to return on Tuesday for the second Time by the members. For a No-Deal-Brexit is expected chaotic consequences for the economy and many other areas of life.

warning the Chancellor of the exchequer

A breakup of the European Union, without agreement, would have chaotic consequences for the economy and many other areas of life. Shortly before the vote, Chancellor of the exchequer, Philip Hammond, warned the members of Parliament, the UK would be exposed to in the case of a so-called No Deals “significant distortions”.

the Prime Minister Theresa May had cancelled the vote, the group forced the government camp. In its decision the submission of the Brexit without a contract, only for the 29. March will be rejected. For the time after that, he should remain on the table. A small majority of the deputies did not want to be satisfied.

On Tuesday had voted in favour of the house of Commons for the second Time against the between May and Brussels negotiated a Deal, although the head of government had reached previously concessions granted by the EU.

The Parliament in London is very divided in terms of Brexit hopelessly. Mays plans to exit the EU have led to numerous resignations of Ministers. Including the Brexit-Ministers David Davis and Dominic Raab, as well as the foreign Minister, Boris Johnson.

it was Violently argued, especially in the so-called Backstop. This is a in the exit agreement stipulated a guarantee for an open border between the EU-state of Ireland and British Northern Ireland. The regulation stipulates that the UK remains in a customs Union with the EU, until a better solution is found.

Brexit-hard-liners fear that this could captivate the country permanently to the EU and an independent trade policy. They demanded, therefore, a time limit or a unilateral termination right for the Backstop.

May to since a botched election in the summer of 2017 a minority government that needed the support of the Northern Ireland party, the DUP. The head of government is dependent on every vote in Parliament.

Opposition is at odds

Not only Mays Conservative party is in the Brexit course divided, but also the largest opposition party, Labour. A total of a dozen disgruntled members from both parties recently founded an “Independent group” and other members of Parliament encouraged to join them.

in the Middle of the Brexit-armed, the government is also with a weaker growth Outlook faced. Chancellor Hammond said in the house this year, you can expect an economic growth of 1.2 percent. So far, the forecast had amounted to 1.6 percent. For 2020 the expectation was unchanged at 1.4 percent.

The British had voted in a Referendum in 2016, with a narrow majority in favour of withdrawal from the community. (anf/sda)

Created: 13.03.2019, 19:59 PM