today, fell the judgment in The high Court in the case, which has been called ’Denmark’s most expensive fine-trap’.
Five drivers who were caught in a speed trap on the Dunblane Bypass, and a single driver, which was blitzet on Helsingørmotorvejen in the summer of 2015, had chosen to appeal against the byrettens decision from February 2017, where they were sentenced to fines and suspension of driving licence.
But it was in vain.
Motorists are deemed to have run too fast at the road works will. The signage was in order, says The high Court, rejecting the drivers ‘ claims for acquittal.
– We are satisfied that The high Court has assessed, agreed with the district court says the prosecutor in the case, Camilla Gulløv Slowik to Ekstra Bladet.
the Defender of the six drivers, Alexander May Christiansen, had, during the two days in court in The high Court last week sought to cast doubt on whether there were errors committed by the signage at the road works will on the two lines. He is not satisfied with the verdict.
– I think that this decision is more political than it is legal. With this judgement, the high Court said as little as possible, and it leaves many questions unanswered, like the many drivers and my clients should have received the answer of the high Court. But the high Court has not said anything other than that byrettens judgment is upheld. I am very disappointed, because, during the testimony of the Danish road directorate and the contractor was documented that there were errors committed with the signing, on Lyngby Road, and that there were problems around rådighedstilladelsen – or the lack of same – on Helsingørmotorvejen. And it is regrettable that the high Court did not in its reasoning relate to it, says defender Alexander May Christiansen to Ekstra Bladet.
– We must just conclude that the high Court has said, things were in order. It is too bad, for we do not believe that they were. It is worrying – very worrying and distressing for my clients and legal certainty, because the district Court apparently says that they look a little large on the, on the rules around road markings are adhered to by the authorities or not complied with, continues Alexander May Christiansen.
The six drivers was the remaining of the original 14 drivers, who were chosen as test cases of speeding offences in Lyngby Bypass and Helsingørmotorvejen. The drivers felt that the signs on speed reduction to 50 km./t. because of the road works on both the lines were faulty.
In Monday’s unresolved cases is the consequence fines at 4000 and 6000 dollars, just like the fast car drivers of his licence condition. This means that they must up to a new driving test.
All six of the drivers were measured with a fartoverskridelse of more than 40% by roadworks, and therefore the punishment is a extra hard.
– I read the verdict such that the Court goes in and says between the lines that even though there is not complete control on the observance of the rules by Lyngby Bypass, then it’s ok, you can be penalized anyway, saying Alexander May Christiansen, who has not yet discussed the matter with its six clients.
– I am awaiting to talk with each of them, and now we will take a debate and see how they make themselves the sentences.
the Outcome of the judgment today in The high Court have implications for the thousands of motorists who were blitzet of the police fotovogne Lyngby Bypass and Helsingørmotorvejen from april to september 2015.
On the Dunblane Bypass were issued more than 5.300 speeding tickets in the course of 14 check in may and June 2015.
On the Helsingørmotorvejen set national record, when it was issued more than 2,500 fines on one single day – the 29. July 2015, when The Police held a ‘flash war’. 16.000 drivers passed without being blitzet.
See also: Policeman: More signs did not help at fast drivers