– Where is the upbringing along with these young people , or one should perhaps ask where have the parents been.

they have in each case failed miserably in their upbringing.

How to write Inga L in one of the 44 comments that are written on the JydskeVestkystens Facebook page about the frustrated talk on the language and discipline that prevails in the Haderslevs Schools, the president of the teachers held a meeting last night.

84 of the municipal teachers were last year subjected to psychological and physical abuse last year – but what is acceptable and what is not acceptable asked lærerformand Bent Hansen, who according to jv.dk opened with the question: ‘Is it okay to call a teacher a fucking hooker or obese sack?’:

– What options teachers have when students refuse to perform it, as the teacher asks. For example, when a teacher repeatedly has asked a student to keep quiet without result and then ask the student to leave the class, but the students then refuse. What makes the teacher so?

– Yes, 15 years ago the teacher took elevern in the arm and showed him out of the class. It’s not something you do in the day, and also not. It may also not 15 years ago, but standards have moved on.

– It could be great, if we also here together with the municipality could formulate some guidelines for how the teacher in such cases the act, said Bent Øxenberg Hansen, and should you believe the many comments, so should the teachers just call for the parents:

– If I come in the situation, so calling I quickly after the parents, so they can download their child. If it happens often, it may be that they get tired of it, writing Marianne C and Mette MW is even tougher:

– Out of the fold.

– It is a parental responsibility to teach its small pitiful poder a tone, where you can socialize with them, without their provocation and contempt. Sad youth, she writes, while John R prompting reflection among the teachers themselves:

– When you are on Facebook look what the retired school teacher sits and pours out you can’t be surprised!
– But before all now the dangers in the keys, so NO, it is not in order, but if it doesn’t get consequences, it does not stop, writes John.