Hoogstraten, He’s 21 and apparently has hands of gold as the wood arrives. Robbe Meyvis from Minderhout was for the fourth time Belgian champion in the field of furniture. “Wood is a passion and I’ve always known that I am a cabinet maker would be. On my seventh I made all vogelkastjes.”
Robbe Meyvis followed teach at the VITO in Hoogstraten, but meanwhile, in his last years wood technology at the Hogeschool Gent. The secondary school, he has been for a while to leave, but he hangs there in the meantime, however, on the ‘Wall of Fame’. And that is more than justified, because He was last week for a whopping fourth time Belgian champion in the World Skills Belgium. In between, he was also fifth at the european CHAMPIONSHIPS. “Now I hope that the selection of pick for the world cup in Russia, but no accidents would normally around must be his” beams Robbe. “Of course, I was happy with that fourth title, because it continues to be a tough match. You will receive in advance a plan with guidelines, but once it is, there will still be some thirty per cent so you’re not completely prepared. This time it was a wall unit. You get there two days before and that is pretty tight. In Russia, for example, we get five days, but there is obviously a lot higher. I want to be there for the highest possible, but I’m not going to be disappointed if I, for example, the top three can’t make it. A medal d’excellence. That would be a beautiful crowning, because that means that you are still far above the average edge.”
Wood has always been a passion for Robbe. “My father is also a carpenter. From my six or seven year, I was already in the workshop with a saw in my hands,” laughs Robbe. “I also made vogelkastjes which I then sold for a good purpose. I have always dreamed of having furniture to go. My training at VITO was definitely good. I have learned a lot, but the pure craft, I was largely self taught.”
The currently busy time for Robbe. Long has he can not enjoy his new title, because this weekend he went on teambuildingsweekend with the purpose of are more than likely participating in the world cup in Russia. And Monday he moves on to Mauritius for a project for his internship. Robbe does that internship at Nobhill to the Castellan in Turnhout. “We have an exclusive villa start decorating,” says Robbe. “Of course, I look there to. We will be there for eighteen days, to abide, but mainly work because that has to be perfect. I’m enormously looking forward to it, because it is a huge experience.” And what after the studies, at this year end? “Hopefully I can start working at my internship,” laughs Robbe. “I especially want to experience. A private business is the ultimate dream, but I don’t want to jinx it.”