For the first time ever caught a seksgællet shark in Danish waters.

The typing of the DR P4 Midt & Vest.

– We could see that there was something big, tells the fisherman Tobias Konnerup.

Usually it’s cod and plaice, which is pulled aboard the cutter Nalle L153 from Thyborøn. So when Tobias Konnerup spotted a large fish in the catch, he got something of a surprise. Especially since he later found out, to catch a seksgællet shark, never caught in Danish waters.

– There are many ships out and catch fish all the time. So it is a little exciting, that it is the first ever that has been pulled up in Danish waters, says Tobias Konnerup to DR P4 Midt & Vest.

There have previously been rumors that the species has been in Danish waters. But now it is documented. To the great joy of expert at the Natural history Museum, Henrik Carl.

– It is one of the world’s largest carnivorous sharks, and it is cool to get evidence that the species in Denmark, ” says Henrik Carl, who is scientific employee at the Natural history Museum in Copenhagen.

Neither Tobias Konnerup or his colleagues on the cutter had previously seen a fish like this.

– Usually prisoners we porpoises, whales, and small sharks, but I could see that it was not a shark I had ever caught before. And never have I caught such a big shark before, tells the fisherman, and explains that it may be pulled up with a game, because it was so big.

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out Of curiosity took the fishermen pictures of the unknown fish, and after having shown it to friends and people at the port ended up Tobias Konnerup to contact the scientific officer Henrik Carl from the Science Museum to get the answers to what it was that had gone in the net.

He said that it was easy to see, for it had six gills. And that it åbentbart was not a one they had caught in Danish waters before, says Tobias Konnerup.

even Though the shark weighed between 120-150 pounds and was around two metres long, was it just a young. The seksgællede shark can weigh up to 1,000 kilograms, and be between five and six feet long.

– Large sharks fascinate and interest many people. After all, there are many that do not know, that we have sharks in Danish waters, says Henrik Carl to DR P4 Midt & Vest.

the Shark eats seals and dolphins, which, with its large and serrated teeth can bite in the middle. You must, however, not fear to meet it, if you bathe in the North sea.

– It lives in deep water and are not considered dangerous to humans, calms Henrik Carl.

the Shark was dead when fishermen got on board and were thrown overboard immediately upon being documented in the pictures.

But with the catch of the seksgællede shark in Danish waters is now documented information on catches of 14 different species of sharks here at home.

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