“Just Kim Jong-un serves on the fiasco,”

“So was Trump once again fooled by the north Korean dictator”

“It’s hard to describe the summit between Trump and Kim Jong-un as more than a fiasco.”

“the Meeting was ended prematurely. No agreement was signed despite the fact that the White house in advance said that it would be.”

“Trump was once again fooled by the north Korean dictator.”

“It was almost painful to follow the american president’s introduction of his press conference. “

“He started talking about come good news from the quarrel between India and Pakistan. He continued to babble about the humanitarian aid to Venezuela before he let secretary Mike Pompeo do the talking about the failed summit.”

“But Trump’s attempt to shift the focus in another direction didn’t work. “

“It is clear to everyone that the summit of the 2 between him and Kim Jong-un was a big failure. The only one who earns on it is Kim Jong-un. North korea has all the time in the world and would like to drag out the process as much as possible.”

“The first summit in Singapore this past summer tried to Trump selling in as a great success despite the fact that it ended with only a few bland lines on an A4 piece of paper. This time it couldn’t even Trump find some superlatives.”

“the President has an extremely excessive faith in his personal ability to solve complex problems in the world been bet on for decades. He thought that it would be enough that he and Kim Jong-un met that he would be able to persuade north Korea to do away with their nuclear weapons.”

“In fact, it is Kim Jong-un which is the sluge of the two. The former international is completely isolated and pariastämplade the dictator has now in less than a year been to two summits with the world’s most powerful man. Without giving away the slightest. “

“His goal is that it all ends with that the united states accepts north Korea as a nuclear power.”

“It was Kim Jong-un, who for more than two years ago unilaterally declared that north Korea would cease its nuclear tests and missiltester. By sudden change in tone from the crazy dictator to the “reasonable” statesman, he managed to get Trump on the hook.”

“Now says the president that the talks should continue and that perhaps they should meet again. But it is with these summits with sequels to good movies. The copy is usually far worse than the original.”

“Nothing else than the tone has really changed between north Korea and the united states. It is, of course, feels very good that Kim Jong-un and Trump stopped threatening each other with nuclear strikes, but in the meantime, north Korea continue to develop their nuclear weapons and to produce more. “

“north Korea has time on its side because the general tension in the area leading to sanctions are no longer enforced especially strictly of Kim’s friends China and Russia.”

“When the acute fear of a nuclear war receded, it is easy to forget that the basic problem remains unresolved.”

“A communist dictatorship that throws all of the work camps that even exude an ounce of the opposition, the possession of nuclear weapons and can threaten the world with them. It is, therefore, that the outside world for decades, with all the funds from negotiations to sanctions, tried to get north Korea to give up its weapons. All efforts have failed. “

“Now, Trump failed though he, of course, want to portray it as the whole thing will end with north Korea scraps its weapons.”

“the Chance of that happening is vanishingly small.”

“The north Korean dictatorship, based its power on nuclear weapons. Without them, they are convinced that the united states or other countries would invade and overthrow the regime. Only the fear of a nuclear war keeps the enemy away.”

“Kim Jong-un trying to squeeze out as much as he can from the meetings with Trump. This time he wanted to that all sanctions against the Dprk should be lifted but that he needed to make some major concessions. It could Trump not go on and knew Kim.”

“It was obviously a requirement went beyond agreed upon in advance.”

“When Kim Jong-un on the first question he ever answered from a western journalist replies that he is prepared to dismantle their nuclear weapons, so it means nothing. What it boils down to is under what conditions he is prepared to disarm, and there are conditions in the outside world do not want to accept.”

“Interesting will be to see how Trump is going to act in the future. He goes back to a tougher rhetoric against north Korea or he continues to gulla with Kim?”

“the Trump has everything to gain by trying to maintain the image that he solved the north Korea-issue when he shall stand for re-election in 2020. But if anyone sees through his lie, it can benefit him to screw up the tone again.”

“the Debacle in Hanoi increases the risk that north korea’s nuclear weapons once again put the horror in the world.”