some politicians in Ankara would delete the scene of perhaps the most loved from the TV archives: On the morning of the 28. February 2015 the high-ranking politicians of the Erdogan AKP party with negotiators from the Kurdish party HDP to a solemn handshake in the Dolmabahce Palace, the official residence of the Prime Minister in Istanbul. Together, they announced an in-principle agreement to the peaceful settlement of the Kurdish conflict. Three years later, may be of a understanding. Now, the peace process was supported to a certain extent officially to the grave: The former chief negotiator for the Kurds, the Director and Ex-Deputy Sirri Süreyya Önder, was put in jail.

Önder to the termination of the armed struggle

The handshake of 2015, the culmination of the search for a solution to a conflict that has cost in the past few decades, tens of thousands of lives and made millions more refugees, was called. A few months after the ceasefire of the PKK and the Turkish security forces broke up. Önder, 56, is not a Kurd, even if he sat for the HDP in Parliament and between the state and the PKK leadership. After he had made a name for himself as a Director, met with Önder as a columnist of left-liberal Newspapers to the HDP – commitment was a sign of the attractiveness of the Kurdish party for non-Kurdish intellectuals.

At the Meeting in Dolmabahce called Önder the PKK to the official termination of the armed struggle against the Turkish state. But the hardliners in the PKK began a little later with a new murder, attacks on police, Erdogan’s military response came promptly: Since then, the violence reigns.

“The democracy will prevail”

Önders an Advocate for peace he was not grateful for His three and a half minute speech in which he campaigned for peace, pointed out that the Turkish judiciary as a banned “terrorist propaganda”. “The tour of Dolmabahce Palace ends in the prison,” said the opposition journalist Yalcin Dogan in an article for the news platform T24.

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Hannes Heine

As Önder is now serving his sentence of three years and six months came, he turned in front of the prison, Kandira, to the East of Istanbul to the Turkish Public. He stand behind his speech then, he said. “Peace and democracy will prevail.” Then he raised his Arm in a last greeting, and disappeared behind the high gate.