After a demonstration organized by Islamists with thousands of participants in Hamburg, experts were critical of the organizers of the rally. The anti-Semitism officer of the city of Hamburg, Stefan Hensel, told the “Bild” newspaper: “The organizers are not concerned with freedom of expression or freedom of religion, but with spreading extremist ideas.”

The Hamburg Office for the Protection of the Constitution had already warned against joining the demonstration. The Islamist network Muslim Interaktiv (MI), which is assigned to the ideological environment of Hizb ut-Tahrir (HuT), is behind the assembly. “Anyone who takes part in this demonstration stands side by side with enemies of the constitution who want to enforce a form of society that is incompatible with our free democratic basic order,” it said in advance.

The almost half-hour demonstration on Saturday was entitled “The Koran is the future. Rally against burning of the Koran”. The occasion was the action of an Islamophobic provocateur in Stockholm at the end of January, during which a Koran was burned.

Hamburg’s Interior Senator Andy Grote (SPD), who says he finds such demonstrations “intolerable”, wants to keep the actors in focus. Nevertheless, he added: “According to the Basic Law, intolerability is not a reason for prohibiting a meeting,” said Grote to “Bild”.

According to the police, around 3,500 people attended the rally, which police said was peaceful and without incident.

According to information from the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, around 360 supporters were attributed to the HuT in Hamburg at the end of 2022. According to this, around 1,755 people belonged to the Islamist scene in Hamburg, of whom 1,100 were classified as violent Islamists.