Government large elevundersøkelse for 2018 published in the day, where around 447.000 students responded to the survey, which was carried out in the autumn. It is the highest number ever to have answered the survey.

Over 7,000 of the students who responded, say that they are being bullied by adults at school.

Of these black a little over half the adults said hurtful words. A little under half replied that the adults got to feel outside of, and slightly under one out of four responded that the adult punched, pushed or held him.

Small decline When her child was bullied, experienced Karianne not to be heard

altogether, there are approximately 27 000 pupils who respond that they are bullied two to three times a month or more often. There is a decrease of 0.5 percentage points from 2017.

66 percent of these students say that they are called nasty things and teased in a hurtful way. 46 per cent are held outside and blessed too, while 24 per cent experiencing physical bullying.

37 percent of students who respond that they are experiencing bullying two to three times a month or more often, the answer that no adults knew about the bullying. 16 per cent responding that the school knew about the bullying, but that it was not done anything. These numbers have gone down somewhat from the elevundersøkelsen in 2017.

the Students also get asked questions about digital bullying and whether they have been bullied by adults at school. 1.9 per cent of the pupils respond that they are being bullied digitally two to three times a month or more often

” It is positive to see that there are fewer students who answer that they are bullied, but there are still too many pupils who are being bullied. We know that many schools are working well to provide students with a safe and good day at school. The work against bullying need to happen every single day and have no end date, ” says the director Hege Nilssen in Education.

– Zero tolerance

education ms. Jan Tore Sanner (H) is satisfied that fewer students say they are bullied.

– All children have the right to a safe and good learning environment. I am very happy that fewer kids and teens are being bullied. According to elevundersøkelsen we are now at a historically low level, but there are still many children who experience bullying at school. Efforts must therefore be reinforced going forward. We have zero tolerance for bullying, ” he says.

According to Sanner, the figures show that the government’s measures against bullying works.

– the Government has initiated a number of measures to strengthen the school’s efforts to prevent, detect and deal with bullying. The new mobbeloven, which strengthens the rights of the mobbes, entered into force in the autumn of 2017. From the fall of 2018, all counties mobbeombud. Mobbeombudene should support and guide children, students, and parents in matters relating to bullying, and to create a better kindergarten and school environment, ” says kunnskapsministeren.

In an e-mail to Dagbladet points out barneombud Inga Bejer Engh that digital bullying is stable. It is worrying, ” she believes.

– the Government have said that they will bet on the prevention of bullying in the digital surfaces”. I expect that kunnskapsministeren now proposes new initiatives in the school aimed against digital bullying. It is crucial that the school in its work with the digital expertise and the bullying teaches students how to deal with the challenges on the net. To strengthen the digital judgment must come into the new lærerplanene, she writes.

“Hope you soon die like your mother, it is hell to me at the time”