“Palestinians killed by soldiers in Gaza”

“A palestinian 24-year-old man has been shot dead by israeli soldiers at the new fredagsprotester along with the fence which separates the Gaza strip and in israeli territory.”

“the 24-year-old was shot in the stomach on the southern part of the Gaza strip, according to palestinian vårdmyndigheter. A further 30 people have been injured by the sharp shot.”

“The israeli military says that around 6 000 palestinians had gathered for the protests and that its soldiers opened fire when some of these approached the fence.”

“this Week’s protests follow last week’s unrest, in which the rockets were fired from Gaza at Israel and Israel responded with lufträder against targets in the Gaza strip. 25 palestinians were killed, including at least nine who took part in the battles, as well as four israeli civilians.”

“This has been followed by a fragile ceasefire that has been in force since Monday.”