the Founder of the party is firm – the indvandrerkritiske Rasmus Paludan – claims that he gets destroyed its opportunities to draw attention to his political views, when the police again and again gives him the prohibition to demonstrate.

he says to Ekstra Bladet, after that Copenhagen is Ranked the Police have just given him the prohibition to demonstrate in the whole of Copenhagen is Ranked Police in 24 hours.

Paludan had otherwise intended to demonstrate at Bagsværd School at 17.10.

Copenhagen Police have earlier Tuesday given the City and the ban, which has made that the two planned demonstrations on Blågårds Plads on Nørrebro and Emblasgade on Østerbro, has had to be cancelled.

Both the points the police to the grounds of public policy weighs heavier than paludan’s need to demonstrate. Both Sunday and Monday was fierce trouble. Sunday at Blågårds Plads on Nørrebro, and Monday in Alberta.

And the Copenhagen Police has given him a demoforbud, which lasts for a week.

At Vestegnens Politi says inspector Mogens Lauridsen:

– We continuously follow the development, and we have now re-evaluated the situation so that we no longer believe that the demonstration can be carried out without danger to the public peace or Rasmus paludan’s security.

But Rasmus Paludan is not satisfied.

– It is the biggest fascist action. The reason is, of course, to many cops to keep the easter holiday, and they would rather sit at home with their easter bunnies, than they will make sure to keep peace and order. They are some fucking møgsvin. They are there to destroy democracy and the constitution, says Rasmus Paludan to Ekstra Bladet.

– the Copenhagen Police are some dovendiderikker and some cowards.

on Monday evening there was trouble in Albertslund after a cancelled Paludan-demo. Five Paludan-opponents were arrested for the riots. Photo: Ritzau Scanpix

the Rasmus Paludan fear that he will lose the opportunity to get vælgererklæringer, and therefore of political influence, every time a demonstration is prohibited, he says.

Despite the prohibitions omens ralph waldo emerson, that he will continue with his demonstrations, which were criticised for being provocative and inciting conflict.

But the City has not going to stop with his confrontational style, he tells.

We demonstrate that more people are familiar with our policy. It is really shameful for the people, that the police in this way strips us of our freedom of expression, continues Paludan.

But why do you choose not to draw attention to your message in a way that is not provocative?

– The way we get vælgererklæringer on, is to show the conditions as they are. Please support us by showing that we have the right.

Why do you think that you get the one demoforbud after another?

– It is well, because more and more criminals samfundstabere is become aware of who I am. The threat landscape is getting worse. What may have happened is that some have got blood on the tooth, because they saw that the police was overpowered in the Washer during my demonstration 7. april, says Rasmus Paludan.

the Rasmus Paludan will now contact The Police and give a demonstration today at 17 in the junction Nybrovej/Engelsborgvej.

But there is a heavy traffic on the site at the time?

– Yes, it allowed the police to find a solution on.

the Danish people’s party leader Kristian Thulesen Dahl came Tuesday Paludan to the rescue, as it emerged that several police districts have given the City and the prohibition to demonstrate.

Tulle says in a tweet that he has summoned the minister of justice to hastesamråd to get an explanation.

– I am glad that he has done. I am incredibly happy with. It shows that Kristian Thulesen Dahl understands democracy. For it is bindegalt it here. A week’s ban is raving crazy, and they do not extend a ban longer than necessary. Here it is about the police the opportunity to keep the easter holiday, and it should not come democracy to last.