After the new year came new and more lenient rules in relation to pepper spray. Now may all like to buy the weapon, if it is kept at home with self defense in mind.

at the same time, persons assessed as particularly threatened – for example, battered women now allowed to walk around on the street with a pepper spray in your pocket. However, this requires a special permission.

Tentatively, however, it has been small with the distribution of these permissions. The treatments have foundered on the issue of the payment.

The islamkritiske chair of the firm Rasmus Paludan is one of them, who have sought permission, but still awaiting a reply:

– I applied for permission at the beginning of January. I know it’s in the Middle – and Vestjyllands Police, responsible for granting of the permits. I have not received an answer on my application yet, but when I recently moved for the answers, announced a senior secretary at the politikredsen me that the ministry of Justice had been instructed not to deal with the cases before it had determined whether it was going to cost a fee, says Rasmus Paludan.

– I have contacted the ministry of Justice, which announces that it is regrettable, and that they hope that this issue will very soon be cleared up, he tells furthermore.

Love Letter to ralph waldo emerson: ‘You have deserved death’
112 – 25. mar. 2019 – at. 15:36 of Prisons 23-year-old: Death threats in a letter to Rasmus Paludan

the Rasmus Paludan has as leader of the liberal party firm, and over the past several months has traveled the country and the rich around, where he has visited different residential areas.

Here, he has spoken very critically about islam and the prophet Mohammed, and the repeated times he has been greeted by angry people who loudly discussed the lawyer’s positions.

All these visits happening during the politibevogtning. His provocations have led to severe discomforts, which have led to, that he has applied for bæretilladelse of peperspray.

He tells that he has been made to and assaulted, not only by the demonstrations, but also in everyday life:

– Right now there is a case about an assault on Amager. It comes in august. So is there a similar case from Copenhagen, where I, while I was out shopping, was struck in the head. And then there are a number trusselssager, says Paludan.

He says, that there are also two voldssager during treatment, which can be attached to his demonstrations around the country. The one is about the spytteri. By the second episode he had thrown a lighter in the head.

In connection with the article have Extra Magazine sought a comment from the ministry of Justice. But despite several days of processing time, the ministry is not returned with a comment.