If the health crisis seems to come to an end, the economic and social fact, however, that begin and each week that passes since the déconfinement the may 11 show. Proof of that is this Wednesday with the publication by Dares, the statistics department of the ministry of Labour, the weekly data related to the labour market in france. Data more and more apocalyptic, which demonstrate both the extent and the violence of the blast suffered.

on The 1st of June, no less than 1,366 million requests for prior authorization of activity partial was introduced by the 1.05 million of company s since the beginning of the crisis. Result in a little less than three months, some 13.1 million employees have been affected by an application of partial unemployment, either 300.000 more in one week . A new increase in door-to – $ 5.7 billion of working hours requested since the beginning of the crisis (100,000 more in a week), or 432 working hours required on average per employee , the equivalent of more than 12 weeks at 35 hours a week .

half of The private employees placed on partial unemployment in April

It turns out, moreover, that all firms are not equal with respect to partial unemployment, with a premium, logical, to larger firms better equipped to deal with the crisis. According to the data of the Dares, 46% of employees who have been the subject of a request for part-time workers from the march 1 work in companies of less of 50 employees . In contrast, those who work in businesses with 250 or more employees account for 34% of the employees partial. Three sectors continue to focus approximately 50% of the requests for prior approval, of the personnel concerned and of the working hours requested since march 1: services Activities specialized, scientific and technical administrative and support services (20.1 per cent); Trade (16%) and Construction (11%). Finally, Île-de-France and Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes accumulate always a little more than one-third of the cases filed , the number of employees concerned and the working hours requested since the 1st of march.

Although the scoring of the applications received can evolve further, it has a pretty good idea of the situation in April, one full month of confinement total: 1.01 million of applications filed by 886.000 companies for 6 million employees or half of the employees of the private that were placed in the activity partial for the whole month. Never seen before!

at the End of may, the number of job cuts envisaged in the framework of PES schemes has more than doubled compared to the beginning of march

The procedures of restructuring, to accelerate despite the government’s efforts to contain it. At the end of may, the weekly number of backup plans of employment for the first time surpassed its level at the beginning of march, with 15 PES registered (compared to 11 during the first week of march) and a number of job cuts planned (5530 in total) in the context of a PSE that has more than doubled compared to the beginning of march. 993 “small” collective redundancies have also been initiated since the beginning of march. In nine cases out of ten, these are layoffs of less than 10 employees , identified in construction (22%) , the trade and the automobile repair (19%) and manufacturing (15%) .

On the supported contracts, it is still as much the berezina. From 16 march to 31 may, the cumulative number of entries in career employment skills (PEC) has fallen by 69% compared to the same period in 2019, with up to 200 entries only recorded the last week of may. Ditto on the jobs francs where the requests for assistance transmitted to Pole Employment have shrunk by 75% after the first four weeks of the confinement are less than 200 on 8 days in mid-may.

The number of entries in the contract helped fell from 69% during the containment compared to the same period of 2019

Finally, regarding the employment opportunities available, the number of small online ads of may 25 to 31, is 78% of the pre-confinement , according to a panel of 15 sites monitored by the Dares. If the number of offers has remained stable compared to the previous week for the building trades and public works, industrial engineering, computer science, research, commerce, banking and insurance, it is down to all of the other trades. Thus, the increase recorded in the previous week on all of the online offerings seems to be subsiding…

The editorial team conseilleCoronavirus: debate on the end of unemployment, partial perverse effects of the “very generous” partial unemployment françaisPolémique around the part-time unemployment at easyJet in FranceCrise health: the cost of the partial unemployment will exceed 20 billion eurosSujetsChomage partielMarché of the travailPSEContrat aidéAucun comment

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