Madlen hair Bach reports from NEUKÖLLN, among other things: +++ right of first refusal in the Thiemann road legally +++ maintenance advance payment office processed despite the change in the system, more applications +++ the Senate, wants to buy back apartments of the Deutsche Wohnen: in Berlin-Neukölln tenant complaints about harassment +++ neighborhood: Roderick Miller follows in the footsteps of deported Jews +++ Neuköllner art price 2019 – the nominees will be fixed +++

Gerd Appenzeller reported from Berlin-REINICKENDORF, including: +++ the dispute between the SPD and the CDU on the Expansion of the fire station Tegelort +++ Also: The artist Martin Gietz reported on our historical report on the Handover of the village of Stolpes by the French to the Russians and shows impressions from Stolpe and Birkenwerder +++ First gym to open on Sunday for the end of the game children +++ Sunday funeral for Buried, the presents were to be reported on her final journey without friends +++

Corinna Cerruti from the MIDDLE of, among other things: +++ New designs for the house of the statistics +++ claim: Place at the Reichstag, publicly accessible+ to Whom Moabit belongs to++? Neighbors for more transparency in the housing market +++

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