A suspect in a case from 2010 of a rough armed robbery at a jewelry store on Amager has been arrested.

this was stated by The Copenhagen Police in a press release.

The arrested chilener was extradited from France on Thursday, after which in september issued an arrest warrant in Europe.

the Robbery at the goldsmith Aveny Optics on Amagerbrogade happened 24. april 2010.

Here stole a large group of chilean perpetrators a greater amount of gold jewellery with a value of 4.9 million dollars.

the Aftermath was very dramatic, when a cop took hold of the door to flugtbilen and was dragged after the car. While tried driver to run into cars in order to shake off the policeman.

the Policeman drew his tjenestepistol and shot the driver, who later died of the shoot.

Photo: Anthon Unger

After an investigation the public prosecutor, to the officer with good reason feared for his life and health.

Staff at the Aveny was bound at the hands and feet, and then smashed the robbers cases in the business.

In the subsequent trial on the robbery were four chilean men were sentenced to prison from three to six years.

Copenhagen Police received new information in the case 13. november 2017, who led the police on the trail of the recently arrested.

The chilean, the suspect has been charged with the robbery of a particularly serious nature.

He will be made Friday morning in grundlovsforhør closed doors in the Copenhagen city Court with the requirement about pre-trial detention.